BR10264236 “Scientific-technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the implementation of innovative technologies and new fish-farming objects.”
Developer is the «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP. This program aims to achieve the objectives set out in the Concept of the Fisheries Development Program of Kazakhstan until 2030, the production of fish products from the current 7.6 thousand tons to 600,000 tons and increase the consumption of aquaculture products per capita from the current 6 kg to the recommended WHO norm of 16 kg. The work field will be based on qualifications and experience of the s. They have a lot of experience in research and have scientific publications on the topic of research. Employment time in the project is 3 years, up to 100% of the time.
The aim of the program:
The development and implementation of effective technologies for reproduction, cultivation of promising aquaculture facilities and domestic feed production to increase the profitability of fish-breeding plants in various regions of Kazakhstan.
Program objectives:
During the implementation of the program, it is planned to increase marketable fish products through the development and implementation of effective biotechnical techniques for conducting lake commercial fishery in various regions of Kazakhstan, the formation of stocks of valuable, rare endemic fish species of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture, develop industrial technologies for growing promising fishery objects and invertebrate aquatic organisms in the conditions of fishery enterprises of the country, technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Genetic certification of broodstock of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate aquatic organisms will allow preserving biological diversity and increasing the efficiency of artificial reproduction and stocking, as well as increasing fish-biological indicators when grown in aquaculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The introduction of genetic certification for fishery enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan in general should contribute to the traceability of fish products and an increase in production volumes. The formation of sturgeon broodstock at sturgeon fish farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan will effectively reproduce and increase commercial production of sturgeon fish and increase the export potential and reduce the pressure on sturgeon stocks in their natural habitat.
The results obtained for 2021:
Certification of reservoirs of local importance was carried out in the Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan regions for the organization of a model lake-commodity fish farms in their region. The assessment of the current state of hydrochemical parameters, natural food supply and ichthyofauna of the studied reservoirs was carried out. Work has begun on the development of effective technologies for the formation of repair broodstock of valuable rare fish species. Effective technological methods of growing fish-planting material of promising fish farming objects were developed and improved: jade perch, pike, walleye and invertebrate hydrobionts (crayfish) in industrial conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan. Work has begun on genotyping with the use of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of valuable fish species: the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok for the selection of producers and juveniles for the formation of repair broodstock in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work has begun on genotyping using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of invertebrate hydrobionts (artemia, crayfish, etc.) for cultivation in fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work has begun on the genetic certification of producers selected for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species. Work has begun to assess the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish contained in sturgeon fish farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan region. Work has begun on the genetic certification of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon hatcheries. Work has begun on developing methods of domestication of producers and assessing their condition according to fish-breeding and biological indicators at sturgeon hatcheries. Work has begun on the development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds for valuable and endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts. The technology of rotifer cultivation in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been developed. Artificially created populations of rotifers in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been studied. The assessment of fish-breeding and biological indicators of juveniles of valuable fish species when feeding them with rotifers is given. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed technologies for the cultivation of rotifers on fish farms in Kazakhstan is given.
10 scientific articles were published (including 1 СQASE ME RK article), 7 seminars/field days were held and 2 articles were published in the media.
The results obtained for 2022:
Typical standard technologies have been developed for the creation and operation of lake-commodity farms, taking into account the regional conditions of each reservoir. Work has begun to assess the economic efficiency of biotechnical techniques for the operation of lake-commodity fish farms created on model reservoirs in various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The development of effective technologies for the formation of repair broodstock of valuable rare fish species was continued. Effective technological methods of growing commercial products of promising fish farming facilities have been developed and improved: jade perch, pike, walleye and invertebrate aquatic organisms (crayfish) in the industrial conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed industrial fish farming technologies for the studied objects was carried out.
The work on genotyping with the use of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of valuable fish species was continued: the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok for the selection of producers and juveniles for the formation of repair broodstock in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The work on genotyping using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Loop) of invertebrate hydrobionts (artemia, crayfish, etc.) for cultivation in fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was continued.
Genetic certification of producers selected for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species was carried out. Work has begun on the development of recommendations for the genotyping of rare endemic species: the aral thorn; the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok on fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work was continued to assess the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon fish farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan region. Genetic certification of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon hatcheries was carried out. The methods of domestication of producers were tested and their condition was assessed according to fish-biological indicators at sturgeon hatcheries. Adaptation and introduction of methods of early sex diagnosis in sturgeon fish were carried out for the directed formation of their sexual structure at fish-breeding enterprises.
The development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds for valuable and endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts were carried out. A scientifically-based adjustment of the recipes of production compound feeds for valuable and endemic fish species, invertebrate hydrobionts, taking into account their production inspection, was carried out. The technology of cultivation of the black soldier fly in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. Artificially created populations of the black soldier fly in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied. An assessment was made of the fish-breeding and biological indicators of juveniles of valuable fish species when feeding them with black soldier fly. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed technologies for cultivating black soldier fly on fish farms in Kazakhstan was given.
29 scientific articles were published (including 2 articles in the Web of Science/Scopus and 11 articles of the СQASE ME RK), 4 patents were obtained, 3 applications for inventions were filed, 5 seminars were held, 14 media articles were published and 1 implementation act was signed.
The results obtained for 2023:
The programme’s novelty lies in internationally spearheading the development of technologies aimed at progressively transforming Kazakhstan’s food systems. Consequently, this contributes to economic development, reduces pressure on the environment, preserves populations of valuable fish, improves food security, and supports the achievement of ambitious targets set for the industry’s development by 2030. The programme’s objectives align with Kazakhstan’s national aquaculture development goals by enhancing the technological infrastructure for sustainable aquaculture, employing a value-added production approach, and elevating Kazakhstani fish products in both domestic and international markets. The programme’s outcomes have been successfully implemented at local fish farms. The programme’s results are outlined in peer-reviewed scientific articles, recommendations, and a monograph . A conducted search for patents and information on establishment of an RBS for the rare endemic fish species of Kazakhstan affirms the novelty and importance of this research .
Within the scientific and technical programme “Scientific and technological support of complex development of aquaculture of Kazakhstan through development and introduction of innovative technologies and new objects of fish farming” 82 scientific articles were published (6 of them in Scopus database (of these, 6 articles are in journals indexed in the Scopus database (including 1 article with the Q2 quartile, and 3 articles with the Q3 quartile)) 17 articles of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education), 1 monograph and 20 methodical recommendations were published, 22 publications in mass media, 11 patents were granted, including 3 patents for inventions, 14 seminars/field days were held. Developments on all tasks were implemented, 26 acts of implementation were issued.