In-laboratory quality control was carried out

On August 29, 2024, in-laboratory quality control (LQC) was conducted at the testing center at FishRPC LLP for compliance with the requirements established in GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019.  During the laboratory tests took part the head of the TC Aitkalieva A.A., the head of the laboratory of hydroanalytics Dolgopolova S.Yu. and the head of the expeditionary detachment Minat A.

The purposes of intra-laboratory quality control are:

  • experimental confirmation of the laboratory’s technical competence;
  • ensuring the required accuracy of measurement results;
  • ensuring confidence in the measurement results both inside the laboratory and on the part of the Client or regulatory authorities.

In-laboratory monitoring is the main element of confirming the reliability of the analysis results.



LLP «Fisheries Research and Production Center» performs the international cooperation with leading scientific institutions of far and near abroad on ecology issues of water environment, preservation of biodiversity of valuable, rare and endangered fish species, population and genetic researches of ichthyocenoses, aquaculture, etc. (Russia, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, China, Iran, Israel, etc.) Work with international organizations and programs is underway:

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • The World Sturgeon Conservation Society (WSCS) and others
  • United Nations Development Program in Kazakhstan (UNDP)
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF), participation in the Commission on Aquatic Bioresources of the Caspian Sea
  • International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)
  • North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) The RPC of Fisheries is a scientific organization for issues fish and other aquatic animals “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES)



  • Comprehensive survey of various types of water bodies to determine their potential and optimal fisheries use.
  • Conducting genetic research and genetic certification of fish, developing individual and mass passports for fish farms.
  • Scientific and methodological support for the creation and management of a fish farm.
  • Consulting services for the purchase of fish seed, feed and technological equipment for fish farms.
  • Development of design documentation for fish farms of various types (lake-commodity, pond, cage farms, industrial fish farms, recirculating aquaculture system).
  • Consultations and assistance from specialists in artificial reproduction of fish.
  • Assistance in drawing up a business plan for fish farms and farms.
  • Methodological assistance, consultations on various aspects of fisheries.
  • Reviewing biological justifications, reports on scientific developments and projects in various areas of research in the field of fisheries.


  • Calculation of damage caused to fish resources as a result of economic activity
  • Development of biological justifications for the maximum permissible catch of fish.
  • Development of biological justifications for the introduction (acclimatization) of fish, food organisms and recommendations for stocking water bodies.
  • Development of biological justifications for the transfer and change of status of water bodies of fishery importance.
  • Development, design and selection of optimal fish protection devices (FPD).


  • Determination of hydrobiological diversity in water bodies, assessment of the food supply of fish
  • Identification of the degree of consumption of food organisms and the feeding status of fish in natural water bodies.
  • Assessment of water body pollution with organic matter based on the state of lower aquatic organisms – indicators of saprobity of the water column and soils.
  • Preparation and issuance of a conclusion on compliance/non-compliance with the current technology, production capacities for the deep processing of Artemia cysts.
  • Development of biological justifications for the maximum permissible catch of Artemia cysts, as well as other valuable aquatic invertebrates.


  • Comprehensive survey of various types of water bodies (streams, ponds, warm waters, etc.) for hydrochemical indicators, with a conclusion on the suitability of water for various economic needs, including fisheries.
  • Determination of hydrochemical indicators of water; gas regime (O2 and CO2), pH of the environment, organic matter, physicochemical properties, ionic and biogenic compositions, mineral salts, their compliance with maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) standards with a forecast of the susceptibility of water bodies to fish kills.
  • Development of recommendations and biological justifications for improving the hydrochemical state of fishery water bodies.
  • Development of recommendations and justifications for improving the hydrochemical state of salt water bodies.


What is CITES

CITES – the reduced name of the Convention on international trade in the types of wild fauna and flora which are under the threat of disappearance (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, СИТЕК in the Russian transcription of CITES) – the international government agreement signed as a result of the resolution of the International union of conservation of nature (IUCN) in 1973 in Washington. It entered into force on July 1, 1975. Also known as the «Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.»

In order to preserve species of wild fauna and flora, and recognizing that international cooperation is necessary to protect certain species of wild fauna and flora from overexploitation in international trade, the Republic of Kazakhstan acceded to the Convention by Act No. 372-1 of 6 April 1999. The objective of the Convention is to ensure that the international trade in wild animals and plants does not endanger their survival; the agreement represents different degrees of protection for more than 33,000 species of animals and plants.

Preamble of the Convention:

«Contracting States, Recognizing that wild fauna and flora, in their many beautiful and diverse forms, are an indispensable part of the Earth`s natural systems, which must be protected for the present generation and for the future, Aware of the increasing value of wild fauna and flora in terms of aesthetics, science, culture, recreation and economics, Recognizing that peoples and States are and should be the best custodians of their own wild fauna and flora, Recognizing also that international cooperation is necessary to protect certain species of wild fauna and flora from overexploitation in international trade, Convinced of the need to take appropriate measures to that end, agreed on the following…» Threatened species are grouped in three Annexes according to the extent of their threat of extinction and the measures taken to trade them.

Annex I – about 800 species The annex includes all endangered species whose trade has or may have an adverse effect on their existence. Trade in specimens of these species should be particularly strictly regulated so as not to further jeopardize their survival and should be allowed only in exceptional circumstances. Among the species of this list in particular – gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), species of chimpanzees (Pan spp.), tiger (Panthera tigris), indian lion (Panthera leo persica), leopard (Panthera pardus), jaguar (Panthera onca), indian elephant (Elephas maximus), some populations of savannovy african elephant (Loxodonta africana), dugong (Dugong dugon), manatees (Trichechidae) and all species of rhinoceroses, except for some subspecies of South Africa. Annex II – about 32,500 species

The annex includes all species that, although not necessarily at risk of extinction at this time, may be at risk if trade in specimens of such species is not strictly regulated to prevent use that is incompatible with their survival; and other species that need to be regulated so that trade in samples of some species from the first list can be effectively controlled.Annex III – about 300 species.

Annex III shall include all types which, as defined by any Party, are subject to regulation within it’s jurisdiction to prevent or restrict exploitation and for which cooperation of other parties in control of trade is required. Since the signing of the convention in 1975, no one species under it’s protection has died out yet as a result of trade. In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 28, 1999 N 1994 «On measures to ensure the fulfillment by the Republic of Kazakhstan of obligations, arising from the Convention on international Trade in Species of Wild Flora and Fauna», the function of the scientific organization on Terrestrial Animal and Bird Species to fulfil the obligations under the Convention in the Republic of Kazakhstan is entrusted to the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management «Institute of zoology» of the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RSE «Institute of zoology» KS MES RK). The main task of this scientific orgaisation is to provide scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan arising from the provisions of CITES, from the recommendations and resolutions of the Conferences of the Parties to the Convention, from the recommendations of the committees and the CITES Secretariat.

Сommercialization “Vostok-Aquaculture” LLP 2023-2025y.

Сommercialization project:DP21681542«Introduction of technology for deep processing of Artemia cysts (Artemia) to obtain high-value export-oriented products».

 Applicant: “Fisheries Research and Production Center” LLP


Grantee / Private partner: “Vostok-Aquaculture” LLP

Project goal: Introduction of technology for deep processing of Artemia cysts which makes it possible to improve the quality and added value of finished products, increase its competitiveness in the world market.

 Project objectives:

  1. Procurement of raw materials (Artemia cysts) for processing;
  2. Construction of a new production facility for the production of dry Artemia cysts;
  3. Purchase of modern equipment necessary for the production of dry Artemia cysts;
  4. Creation of a modern production and research laboratory to assess the quality of raw materials and finished products.
  5. Commissioning of production for the processing of Artemia cysts;
  6. Introduction of patented technology for deep processing of raw materials;
  7. Production of finished products using the patented technology of deep processing of raw materials;
  8. Promotion and sale of finished products.
  9. Conclusion of 3 (three) license agreements for the acquisition of rights to an object of intellectual property: 1) patent for a utility model “Method of harvesting and processing of Artemia crustacean cysts”, Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6615; 2) Patent for utility model “Device for collecting Artemia eggs” Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 3079; 3) Patent for utility model “Device for collecting Artemia cysts” Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6921.

Place of project implementation: «Vostok-Aquaculture» LLP (Pavlodar region).

 Project implementation period: 2023-2025 yy.

 Post-implementation period of the project: 2026-2028 yy.

Expected results:

  1. Raw materials (Artemia cysts) will be procured for processing;
  2. A new production facility for the production of dry Artemia cysts will be built;
  3. The purchase of modern equipment necessary for the production of dry Artemia cysts will be made;
  4. A modern production and research laboratory will be created to assess the quality of raw materials and finished products;
  5. Artemia cyst processing plant will be put into operation;
  6. The patented technology of deep processing of raw materials will be introduced;
  7. Finished products will be produced using the patented technology of deep processing of raw materials;
  8. Promotion and sale of finished products will be carried out.
  9. 3 (three) license agreements will be concluded for the acquisition of rights to an intellectual property object: 1) a patent for a utility model “Method for harvesting and processing Artemia crustacean cysts”, Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6615; 2) Patent for utility model “Device for collecting Artemia eggs” Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 3079; 3) Patent for utility model “Device for collecting Artemia cysts” Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 6921.

Results obtained in 2023: A search for suppliers was carried out and contracts for the purchase of equipment and materials for the implementation of activities were concluded.

«Artificial reproduction and cultivation of wild carp fish planting material for the purpose of its further implementation for the stocking of natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.»

Commercialization project:«Artificial reproduction and cultivation of wild carp fish planting material for the purpose of its further implementation for the stocking of natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.»

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to organize a pond fish farming for the artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of wild carp planting material for stocking natural reservoirs


– to create a production site for pond cultivation of wild carp fingerlings;

– organize work on obtaining wild carp larvae and their rearing to the stage of undergrown juveniles; 

– organize work on the cultivation of wild carp fingerlings from undergrown juveniles;

– to work out the technology of transporting wild carp fish planting material over long distances to the place of release;

– organize the sale of final products (wild carp fingerlings);

– to create a genetically polymorphic repair and breeding stock of wild carp in a fish farming environment;

– genetic certification of wild carp producers in the RMS

– prepare and apply for a patent on the method of rearing young and juvenile wild carp in ponds, on the technology of transporting wild carp planting material over long distances to the place of release, on the formation of a repair and breeding stock of wild carp in a fish farm; 

– to hold seminars with agricultural producers on the technology of growing wild carp planting material in fish farming conditions;

– prepare promotional materials for products, price lists, presentation materials;

– to create a production site for pond cultivation of wild carp fingerlings;

– prepare and publish scientific and promotional articles, take part in international conferences and  exhibitions on the technology of growing fingerlings of valuable fish species in fish farms.


Project location: Kapshagai Spawning and Growing Farm-1973 LLP (since 2018), Bukhtarma Spawning and Growing Farm LLP (since 2022)


Project implementation period: 2018-2022

The terms of the post-intensive care period of the project: 2023-2025.

Expected results:

– a production site for pond cultivation of wild carp fingerlings will be created;

– work will be organized to obtain wild carp larvae and their rearing to the stage of undergrown juveniles;

– organize work on the cultivation of wild carp fingerlings from undergrown juveniles;

– the technology of transporting wild carp fish planting material over long distances to the place of release will be worked out;

– the sale of final products (wild carp fingerlings) will be organized;

– a genetically polymorphic repair and breeding herd of wild carp will be created in the conditions of a fish farm;

– genetic certification of wild carp producers in the Republic of Kazakhstanwill be carried out

– a patent application will be prepared and filed on the method of rearing wild carp juveniles and fingerlings in ponds, on the technology of transporting wild carp planting material over long distances to the place of release, on the formation of a repair and breeding stock of wild carp in a fish farm;

– seminars will be held with agricultural producers on the technology of growing wild carp planting material in fish farming conditions;

– prepare promotional materials for products, price lists, presentation materials;

– a production site for pond cultivation of wild carp fingerlings will be created.


The results obtained in 2018: The purchase of equipment and materials for the work was carried out, the preparation of a heating pond was carried out to ensure the supply of high-quality water to the incubation shop.

The results obtained in 2019: Work was carried out on the preparation of pond areas for the cultivation of fingerlings and the maintenance of RBS wild carp. A production site for pond cultivation of wild carp fingerlings has been created. The harvesting of wild carp producers was carried out at the ALS (Alakol lake system), the caught wild carp specimens were transported to the incubation workshop of Kapshagai Spawning and Growing Farm-1973LLP, adapted to the conditions of the workshop and then to the conditions of ponds. Carp fingerlings have been grown and sold. A patent for utility model No. 4232 “An improved pond for growing early wild carp juveniles” was obtained.

The results obtained in 2021: Harvesting of carp producers was carried out at the ALS (Alakol lake system), the caught wild carp specimens were transported to the incubation workshop of Kapshagai Spawning and Growing Farm-1973LLP, adapted to the conditions of the workshop and then to the conditions of ponds. A repair and breeding herd (RBS) of wild carp was formed from individuals caught in 2019 and 2021. Wild carp fingerlings have been grown and sold. A seminar was held in order to promote the project on the topic “Pond cultivation of wild carp planting material”. Patents for utility model No. 4968 “Improved removable container for transporting live wild carp juveniles” and No. 5221 “Improved method for growing wild carp fingerlings in ponds” were obtained.

The results obtained in 2022: Genetic studies of the individuals of the RBS wild carp were carried out, the polymorphism of the individuals of the RBS wild carp was evaluated. A spawning campaign was carried out from imported wild carp producers, wild carp larvae were obtained. The resulting larvae were buried in prepared ponds, wild carp fingerlings were grown and sold. Genetic studies have been carried out and genetic passports for the carp’s RBS have been developed. A seminar was held in order to promote the project on the topic “Technologies for the formation of wild carp RBS in pond farming conditions”. A patent for utility model No. 7547 dated 10/28/2022 “A method for forming a repair and breeding stock of wild carp in a fish farm” was obtained. At Bukhtarma Spawning and Growing Farm LLP: In 2022, wild carp producers from the ALS were imported.

Commercialization RGKP “Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery” 2017-2020 y.

Commercialization project: “Artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of pike perch fish seed material for stocking natural reservoirs.”

Goal: Organization of a pond fish farm for the artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of pike perch fish seed material for stocking natural reservoirs with fish.


– organize work on catching and transporting pike perch spawners for reproduction purposes;

– develop technology for transporting pike perch breeders and fish seeding material;

– to form a replacement broodstock (RMB) of pike perch in a fish farm;

– create a production site for pond rearing of pike perch fingerlings;

– obtain pike perch larvae and raise them to the stage of grown juveniles;

– organize work on raising pike perch fingerlings from grown-up juveniles;

– organize the sale of pike perch fish seeding material;

– prepare and submit patent applications (3 pcs.) for the transportation of live pike perch; on artificial reproduction of pike perch; on the technology of growing pike perch fingerlings in ponds;

– disseminate best practices in the technology of artificial reproduction of pike perch in the conditions of a fish farm in the Kyzylorda region; prepare promotional materials for products, price lists, presentation materials;

– conduct a seminar among nature users on the technology of growing pike perch fish seed material in a fish farm;

– prepare and publish scientific articles, take part in international conferences and exhibitions on the technology of reproduction and cultivation of pike perch in the conditions of fish farms in the south of Kazakhstan.

Place of implementation of the project: RGKP “Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery” (Tastaksky and Koszharsky sections); PC “Zhambyl”

Project implementation period: 2017-2020.

Post-implementation period of the project: 2021-2023.

Expected results:

– work will be organized to capture and transport pike perch spawners for reproduction purposes;

– technologies for transporting pike perch breeders and fish seeding material will be developed;

– a replacement broodstock (RMB) of pike perch will be formed;

– a production site for pond rearing of pike perch fingerlings will be created;

– pike perch larvae will be obtained and reared to the stage of grown juveniles;

– work will be organized to rear young-of-the-year pike perch from grown-up juveniles;

-the sale of pike perch fish seeding material will be organized;

– patent applications (3 pieces) for the transportation of live pike perch will be prepared and filed; on artificial reproduction of pike perch; on the technology of growing pike perch fingerlings in ponds;

– advanced experience in the technology of artificial reproduction and cultivation of pike perch in the conditions of a fish farm in the Kyzylorda region will be disseminated; promotional materials for products, price lists, and presentation materials will be prepared;

– a seminar will be held among nature users on the technology of growing pike perch fish seeding material in a fish farm;

– scientific articles will be prepared and published, participation will be taken in international conferences and exhibitions on the technology of reproduction and cultivation of pike perch in the conditions of fish farms in the south of Kazakhstan.

Results obtained in 2017:

Equipment and materials for the work were purchased. A lease agreement has been concluded for the ponds. Pike perch breeders were caught to form a broodstock.

Results obtained in 2018:

Work has been carried out to prepare pond areas for raising fingerlings and keeping pike perch. A production site for pond rearing of pike perch fingerlings has been created. The catching of pike perch spawners from natural reservoirs (Syr Darya River and fishing areas of the Small Aral Sea) was carried out. Producers of zander transported to the incubation workshop of the Tastak section of the Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery, adapted to the conditions of the workshop. A spawning campaign for pike perch was carried out, pike perch larvae were obtained, juveniles were reared, pike perch fingerlings were raised and sold. The technology for cultivating live food for pike perch has been developed. A patent was received for a utility model “Device for transporting live pike perch”

Results obtained in 2019:

The catching of pike perch spawners from natural reservoirs (Syr Darya River and fishing areas of the Small Aral Sea) was carried out. The pike perch breeders were transported to the incubation workshop of the Tastak section of the Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery and adapted to the conditions of the workshop. A valuation of pike perch was carried out to carry out artificial reproduction of pike perch. A spawning campaign for pike perch was carried out, pike perch larvae were obtained, juveniles were reared, and pike perch fish seed material was grown and sold. A seminar was organized and conducted among nature users on the technology of reproduction and rearing of pike perch fingerlings in pond conditions. A patent was received for the utility model “River spawning complex for the reproduction of vessels

Results obtained in 2020:

Pike perch spawners were caught from wintering ponds at the Tastak site of the “KAmyshlybash Fish Hatchery” and an additional catch was made from the river. Syrdarya and fishing areas of the Small Aral Sea. The pike perch breeders were transported to the incubation workshop of the Tastak site of the Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery. A valuation and spawning campaign of pike perch was carried out, pike perch larvae were obtained, juveniles were reared, and pike perch fish seed material was grown and sold. A patent was received for the utility model “Growing young-of-the-year pike perch in ponds.” The dissemination of advanced experience in the technology of artificial reproduction of pike perch in the conditions of a fish farm in the Kyzylorda region was carried out. Scientific articles and recommendations have been prepared.

Scientific and technical program “Natural Resources” (PCF) on 2021-2023 years.

BR10264205 “Comprehensive evaluation of fishery resources and hydrobionts of water basins of Kazakhstan and development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainability”.

The developer of the Fisheries Research and Production Centre program has more than 90 years of experience in this area, as well as other specialized organizations with extensive experience and relevant competences. This program aims to achieve the objectives of international agreements and internal documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan providing for the protection, reproduction and sustainable use of water biological resources, increasing productivity and preserving the biodiversity of water bodies. Implementation of the Program will increase catches from the current 40,000 tons to 60,000 tons, food security, increase export capacity through new products and increase per capita fish consumption from the current 6 kg to the who is recommended by WHO-16 kg.

The aim of the program:

The aim of the program is to evaluate the current state of fisheries and other aquatic animals in Kazakhstan’s main fisheries to develop evidence-based recommendations for their protection, reproduction and sustainable use.

Program objectives:

1.Evaluating the cost of water biological resources and ecosystem services at the Balkash-Alakol basins to determine ways of sustainable development and management of natural resources;

2.Develop evidence-based recommendations to improve fisheries productivity by introduction and reintroduction of fish and hydrobionts, components of the fish feed base;

3.Study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and foreign hydrobionts to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and to prevent the spread of foreign fish species and other hydrobionts;

4.Develop, improve and justify the optimal range of fishing gear in large fisheries, taking into account the characteristics of ichthyocene and other biotic and abiotic conditions of reservoirs;

5.Evaluation of the role of recreational fishing and its impact on ichthyocenesis in Kazakhstan’s major fisheries;

6.Environmental and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of fish in the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin;

7.Evaluation of production, genetic, chemical and microbiological para-meters to develop recommendations for certification of cysts artemia in Kazakhstan’s reservoirs;

8.The structure, distribution and population of the Caspian seal in the Kazakh-Stan part of the Caspian Sea during the regression period and the development of recommendations for the co-storage of habitats of the species.


To solve the above interconnected problems, following tasks will be set and fulfilled:

The structure of ecosystem services, the cost of resources is classified not only traditionally as direct, but also indirect cost, non-consumer value, with the definition of optimal ways of using bio resources, which will increase returns, additional revenues through a comprehensive evaluation of the role of fisheries in the structure of ecosystem services (5 recommendations and 1 method); Recommendations to improve the fish-yielding of reservoirs through the introduction of hydrobionts in Kazakhstan’s reservoirs, this will contribute to an increase in fish stocks and fisheries efficiency (6 recommendations on introduction/reintroduction, reconstruction of ichthyofauna and fish feed base); Recommendations to conserve the biodiversity of hydrobionts through the artificial reproduction of rare, and extinct species and to prevent the spread of foreign fish species, which will preserve the biodiversity and fish-productiveness of the reservoirs (6 recommendations for the formation of broodstock rare endangered fish species);Innovative fishing models on the main 12 fisheries to improve fisheries efficiency by introducing new efficient and low-cost fishing gear (4 recommendations on the optimal range of fishing gear); Methods and security documents to evaluate the impact, accounting and management of recreational fisheries, which will solve the problem of rational management of mass but poorly regulated type of fishing (2 security documents and 1 method for evaluating the volume of recreational fishing, 1-bio-justification on optimal organization, methods and tools); Productive broodstocks to be formed on the basis of genetically certificated individuals, this will allow effective reproduction, fishing, traceability, evaluation of the effectiveness of fish-breeding enterprises and the contribution of artificial and natural reproduction. It will also contribute to biodiversity conservation and sturgeon growth, increase commercial sturgeon production, increase export capacity and reduce the press on sturgeon’s natural reserves (3 recommendations for certification, labeling sturgeon producers to identify effective spawning grounds and comprehensive recommendations for the preservation of sturgeon’s gene pool); Salt ponds, various characteristics of artemia cysts, including deep processing products, have been evaluated for recommendations for their certification, which will significantly increase export potential by increasing the cost and expansion of the countries importing high-value products (6 recommendations for evaluating the quality of cysts of artemia).The state of the Caspian seal population in the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea has been studied to preserve the population and habitat of the rare and endemic species (recommendation on the long-term Action Plan for the Conservation of Seals, etc.).

The results obtained for 2021:

Information was obtained on the number and biomass of hydrobionts, the world experience and best practices for the use of ecosystem services were studied. Potential niches for the introduction of of hydrobionts were found in 10 reservoirs. An assessment and analysis of the requirements and obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan by international treaties were carried out. New and improved commercial fishing gear have been developed and/or tested (3 utility model for patents). The impact of recreational (sports) fishing on 11 reservoirs was studied. An analysis of the hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological condition of the Zhaiyk River during the period of spawning migrations and downstream migration of juvenile sturgeons was carried out, an assessment of genetic polymorphism was carried out using DNA markers (STR and mtDNA) of sturgeons (stellate sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, beluga) of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin from natural populations and grown in artificial breeding. Seasonal characteristics and productivity of brine shrimp were determined in 10 reservoirs. Seasonal characteristics of the productivity of Artemia crustacean and its cysts were obtained. Species identification of Artemia by DNA markers was carried out. Sample preparation for ddRAD sequencing (DNA extraction and preparation of DNA libraries) was begun. An analysis of the biochemical, microbiological and toxicological composition of Artemia cysts in 10 productive reservoirs was started. A search for seal rookeries was carried out, an analysis was made of the conditions for the formation of their rookeries.

26 scientific articles (1 article for CQASES) and 7 publications in the media were published, 7 seminars/field days were held, 2 patents were received and 1 patent application was filed.

The results obtained for 2022:

The cost of aquatic biological resources in reservoirs was estimated, 1 method was developed. Recommendations on the introduction of fish and forage organisms were developed. The assessment and analysis of the distribution of rare, acclimatized and alien species was carried out. Pilot-industrial tests were carried out, acts of introduction of new fishing gear were signed. 1 method for assessing the volume of sports and amateur fishing was prepared. The analysis of the hydrological-hydrochemical, hydrobiological state of the Zhaiyk river during spawning migrations and juveniles of sturgeon fish descent was continued. The assessment of the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish was continued, the genetic certification of sturgeon at sturgeon hatcheries was started.

Work has begun on the assessment of fish-breeding and biological parameters of fish contained in repair broodstock herds at sturgeon hatcheries and farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions. Preparatory work was started on marking (radiomark) producers of sturgeon (stellate) to determine the effective spawning grounds of sturgeon of the Zhaiyk river. Seasonal characteristics and productivity of artemia in 10 reservoirs were determined. Seasonal characteristics of the productivity of artemia crustacean and its cysts were obtained. Microsatellite variability of crustaceans and artemia cysts from various reservoirs was analyzed. Work on DNA libraries was continued and sequencing of drad markers (regional and population differentiation) was started. The following were carried out: an assessment of the number and structure, an analysis of the distribution of seals and the identification of the most significant habitats (1 atlas of rookeries).

39 scientific articles were published (including 3 articles in Scopus/Web of Science and 7 articles in СQASE ME RK), 8 recommendations were prepared, 1 atlas of rookeries, 2 methods, 2 proposals, 2 manuals, 7 seminars/field days were held, 26 publications in the media were published, 3 patents, 8 acts implementations.

The results obtained for 2023:

Assessment of the value of aquatic biological resources and economic evaluation of ecosystem services in the studied water bodies was carried out, assessment methodology and recommendations on the application of the value of ecosystem services in the practice of nature management in Kazakhstan were developed. Selection of promising hydrobionts for further introduction/reintroduction was carried out. Recommendations on the volume of introduction, release sites and sanitary control of food organisms and fish were given. Biotechniques for artificial reproduction of the Aral barbel and Siberian sturgeon with subsequent rearing of viable juveniles have been developed. Large-scale research was conducted to inventory spawning grounds of the spike in the Syr Darya, Ile and Karatal rivers, and potential spawning grounds were identified, which in the future will be able to ensure effective natural reproduction of the spike. Ways of struggle against alien species of hydrobionts, measures on counteraction to penetration of alien species and elimination of their influence on the state of biodiversity and fish productivity of water bodies were developed. New and improved tools for industrial fishing (mullet trap, improved seine, two-pocket seine) have been developed, tested and patented; distribution of fish concentrations in the water area of water bodies has been studied. The impact of sport and recreational fishing on the state of bioresources of water bodies was assessed and recommendations on the optimal organisation of methods and tools of sport and recreational fishing were developed for amendments and additions to the LSI. The genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish selected from the natural environment to form repair and breeding herds has been assessed, and acoustic equipment for searching potential spawning grounds has been tested. The survey of 22 saline water reservoirs of Kazakhstan was carried out, bioproductivity of different Artemia populations was assessed, and recommendations on assessment of Artemia cysts quality for certification were developed. Peculiarities of distribution, structure and formation of the Caspian seal population during the period of the Caspian Sea regression were revealed, tagging of seals with satellite tags and electronic chipping was carried out, the number of seals in the breeding grounds was assessed and recommendations on the Action Plan for the Caspian seal conservation were developed. 

 Within the framework of this program the following was prepared: 147 scientific articles have been published (11 of them in journals indexed in Scopus database (of which 2 articles with quartile Q1, and 3 articles with quartile Q2), 16 articles in journals from the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Eductaion), 2 monographs have been published,  1 atlas of seal haulouts was published,  1 popular science film on the conservation of the Caspian seal was prepared,  7 biological substantiations were prepared, including amendments and additions to the legislation of the RK, to the existing normative legal acts in the field of fishery,  35 methodological recommendations and 2 manuals were issued, 62 publications were published in the mass media (mass media), 18 seminars and field days for nature users were held, including annual international webinars on Caspian seal conservation, 9 utility model patents were issued, 3 methodologies were,  2 proposals were prepared to amend regulations and schemes for the distribution of fish concentrations and fishing effort across the water area of water bodies were developed, 9 acts of implementation were signed.

Scientific and technical program “Aquaculture” (PCF) on 2021-2023 years.

 BR10264236 “Scientific-technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the implementation of innovative technologies and new fish-farming objects.”

Developer is the «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP. This program aims to achieve the objectives set out in the Concept of the Fisheries Development Program of Kazakhstan until 2030, the production of fish products from the current 7.6 thousand tons to 600,000 tons and increase the consumption of aquaculture products per capita from the current 6 kg to the recommended WHO norm of 16 kg. The work field will be based on qualifications and experience of the s. They have a lot of experience in research and have scientific publications on the topic of research. Employment time in the project is 3 years, up to 100% of the time.

 The aim of the program:

The development and implementation of effective technologies for reproduction, cultivation of promising aquaculture facilities and domestic feed production to increase the profitability of fish-breeding plants in various regions of Kazakhstan.

 Program objectives:

1.- Development and implementation of effective biotechnical techniques for conducting commercial lake fishery in various regions of Kazakhstan;

2.- Development and implementation of effective technologies for the formation of broodstock of rare endemic fish species in Kazakhstan in order to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture;

3.- Development and implementation of industrial technologies for growing promising fishery objects and invertebrate aquatic organisms in conditions of fishery enterprises in Kazakhstan;

4.- Genetic certification of broodstock of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts

5.- Potential objects of aquaculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan;- Formation and effective use of sturgeon broodstock, taking into account their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  1. – Development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the implementation of the program, it is planned to increase marketable fish products through the development and implementation of effective biotechnical techniques for conducting lake commercial fishery in various regions of Kazakhstan, the formation of stocks of valuable, rare endemic fish species of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture, develop industrial technologies for growing promising fishery objects and invertebrate aquatic organisms in the conditions of fishery enterprises of the country, technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Genetic certification of broodstock of valuable, endemic species of fish and invertebrate aquatic organisms will allow preserving biological diversity and increasing the efficiency of artificial reproduction and stocking, as well as increasing fish-biological indicators when grown in aquaculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The introduction of genetic certification for fishery enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan in general should contribute to the traceability of fish products and an increase in production volumes. The formation of sturgeon broodstock at sturgeon fish farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan will effectively reproduce and increase commercial production of sturgeon fish and increase the export potential and reduce the pressure on sturgeon stocks in their natural habitat.

 The results obtained for 2021:

Certification of reservoirs of local importance was carried out in the Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan regions for the organization of a model lake-commodity fish farms in their region. The assessment of the current state of hydrochemical parameters, natural food supply and ichthyofauna of the studied reservoirs was carried out. Work has begun on the development of effective technologies for the formation of repair broodstock of valuable rare fish species. Effective technological methods of growing fish-planting material of promising fish farming objects were developed and improved: jade perch, pike, walleye and invertebrate hydrobionts (crayfish) in industrial conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan. Work has begun on genotyping with the use of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of valuable fish species: the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok for the selection of producers and juveniles for the formation of repair broodstock in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work has begun on genotyping using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of invertebrate hydrobionts (artemia, crayfish, etc.) for cultivation in fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work has begun on the genetic certification of producers selected for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species. Work has begun to assess the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish contained in sturgeon fish farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan region. Work has begun on the genetic certification of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon hatcheries. Work has begun on developing methods of domestication of producers and assessing their condition according to fish-breeding and biological indicators at sturgeon hatcheries. Work has begun on the development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds for valuable and endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts. The technology of rotifer cultivation in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been developed. Artificially created populations of rotifers in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been studied. The assessment of fish-breeding and biological indicators of juveniles of valuable fish species when feeding them with rotifers is given. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed technologies for the cultivation of rotifers on fish farms in Kazakhstan is given.

10 scientific articles were published (including 1 СQASE ME RK article), 7 seminars/field days were held and 2 articles were published in the media.

 The results obtained for 2022:

Typical standard technologies have been developed for the creation and operation of lake-commodity farms, taking into account the regional conditions of each reservoir. Work has begun to assess the economic efficiency of biotechnical techniques for the operation of lake-commodity fish farms created on model reservoirs in various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The development of effective technologies for the formation of repair broodstock of valuable rare fish species was continued. Effective technological methods of growing commercial products of promising fish farming facilities have been developed and improved: jade perch, pike, walleye and invertebrate aquatic organisms (crayfish) in the industrial conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed industrial fish farming technologies for the studied objects was carried out.

The work on genotyping with the use of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Dloop) of valuable fish species was continued: the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok for the selection of producers and juveniles for the formation of repair broodstock in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The work on genotyping using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers (STR, Loop) of invertebrate hydrobionts (artemia, crayfish, etc.) for cultivation in fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was continued.

Genetic certification of producers selected for the formation of repair herds of rare endemic fish species was carried out. Work has begun on the development of recommendations for the genotyping of rare endemic species: the aral thorn; the aral barbel, balkhash marinka; markakol lenok on fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Work was continued to assess the genetic polymorphism of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon fish farms of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan region. Genetic certification of sturgeon fish kept in sturgeon hatcheries was carried out. The methods of domestication of producers were tested and their condition was assessed according to fish-biological indicators at sturgeon hatcheries. Adaptation and introduction of methods of early sex diagnosis in sturgeon fish were carried out for the directed formation of their sexual structure at fish-breeding enterprises.

The development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feeds for valuable and endemic species of fish and invertebrate hydrobionts were carried out. A scientifically-based adjustment of the recipes of production compound feeds for valuable and endemic fish species, invertebrate hydrobionts, taking into account their production inspection, was carried out. The technology of cultivation of the black soldier fly in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. Artificially created populations of the black soldier fly in the conditions of fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied. An assessment was made of the fish-breeding and biological indicators of juveniles of valuable fish species when feeding them with black soldier fly. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed technologies for cultivating black soldier fly on fish farms in Kazakhstan was given.

29 scientific articles were published (including 2 articles in the Web of Science/Scopus and 11 articles of the СQASE ME RK), 4 patents were obtained, 3 applications for inventions were filed, 5 seminars were held, 14 media articles were published and 1 implementation act was signed.

The results obtained for 2023:

The programme’s novelty lies in internationally spearheading the development of technologies aimed at progressively transforming Kazakhstan’s food systems. Consequently, this contributes to economic development, reduces pressure on the environment, preserves populations of valuable fish, improves food security, and supports the achievement of ambitious targets set for the industry’s development by 2030. The programme’s objectives align with Kazakhstan’s national aquaculture development goals by enhancing the technological infrastructure for sustainable aquaculture, employing a value-added production approach, and elevating Kazakhstani fish products in both domestic and international markets. The programme’s outcomes have been successfully implemented at local fish farms. The programme’s results are outlined in peer-reviewed scientific articles, recommendations, and a monograph . A conducted search for patents and information on establishment of an RBS for the rare endemic fish species of Kazakhstan affirms the novelty and importance of this research .

Within the scientific and technical programme “Scientific and technological support of complex development of aquaculture of Kazakhstan through development and introduction of innovative technologies and new objects of fish farming” 82 scientific articles were published (6 of them in Scopus database (of these, 6 articles are in journals indexed in the Scopus database (including 1 article with the Q2 quartile, and 3 articles with the Q3 quartile)) 17 articles of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education), 1 monograph and 20 methodical recommendations were published, 22 publications in mass media, 11 patents were granted, including 3 patents for inventions, 14 seminars/field days were held. Developments on all tasks were implemented, 26 acts of implementation were issued. 

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