Methods for tracking sturgeon species in the Zhaiyk river were tested

Within the task “Ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin” of the budgetary program “Comprehensive assessment of the condition of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of science-based recommendations for their sustainable use for 2021-2023 methods for tracking sturgeon species in the Zhaiyk river were tested, This will make it possible to determine their spawning grounds in order to develop recommendations for the protection and passage of sturgeon spawners to the spawning grounds; ichthyological studies and morphometric measurements of fish were carried out.

All work is based and carried out on the RGKP “Ural-Atyrau Sturgeon Fish Hatchery” (УАОРЗ). Entrance to the Zhaiyk River was carried out on the expedition vessel “Amangaliev D.” and on the motorboat “Master class” of the Atyrau branch.

These works are carried out by employees of the head office of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, namely: deputy CEO, Dr.Sci.Biol. Asylbekova S. Zh., head of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics Shalgimbaeva G.M., researchers Maratova G.M., Adyrbekova K.B., senior laboratory assistant Abishev A.A., also employees of the Atyrau branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP: director of the branch Kadimov E.L.,senior researcher Uteuliyev T.A., researcher Dzhunusova G.G., junior researchers Abdoshova M.M.,  Bektemirov Zh.S. & Okhasov M.R., together with foreign specialists of the VNIRO Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography and co-executors of the project: head of the department of molecular genetics, Ph.D. Myuge N.S., chief specialist of the department of molecular genetics Volkov A.A. The work was also attended by: inspector of the RGU “Zhaiyk-Caspian Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection” (ЖКМБИРХ) Akhtanov A. and media representatives (Caspian News).