35.5 million larvae of whitefish species were released into the reservoirs of the North Kazakhstan region

As part of the execution of the state order for the artificial reproduction of fish resources for 2022, today (May 4-5), 35.5 million ripus and peled larvae were released into the Sergeevskoye and Petropavlovsk reservoirs.

The launch of fish into the reservoirs was carried out by specialists from the Esil Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection, in addition, representatives of the local executive state authority, the Petropavlovsk fish hatchery, scientists of the branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and journalists took part in the event.

It should be noted that the Petropavlovsk fish hatchery annually releases about 37 million whitefish larvae and underyearlings into water reservoirs. The events for stocking fishery reservoirs of republican significance are continuing in the country.