From April 20-26, 2022, the delegations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan visited the capital of Thailand, Bangkok

From April 20-26, 2022, within the GIZ regional project “Environmentally oriented regional development of the Aral Sea region” the delegations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan visited the capital of Thailand, Bangkok. The purpose of this trip is “Exchange of experience in growing Artemia and other aquaculture products in Thailand”.

Participants from Kazakhstan were E. Suykbaev, chief expert of the Committee of Fishery of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Zh. Mazhibaeva, head of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP. On the part of Uzbekistan there were representatives of relevant ministries, departments and industry science.

A general briefing was held, the conference participants visited the Department of Fisheries of Thailand (DOF), the network of aquaculture centers in the Asia-Pacific region (NACA), etc.. At the meeting, welcoming speeches were made by the CEO of DOF and Professor Patrick Sorgeloos. Next, representatives of the aquaculture sector of Thailand were distributed at the conference, with a focus on the participation of many famous sides (public and private sector, education and R&D, extension services, farmers’ associations, etc.).

Together with the delegation from Uzbekistan and Professor Patrick Sorgeloos, various issues on aquaculture in Thailand, artemia as starter feed and the possibility of introducing their technologies in our countries were discussed.