Restrictions and prohibitions on the use of wildlife and fish resources in the reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The order of the acting as the chairman of the Committee of forestry and fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 24, 2015 No. 190 imposed restrictions and a prohibitions on use of fauna objects, including when fishing in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

According to the Order of the Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Fishery Inspection (BAMBIRH) dated April 1, 2022 No. 23 н/қ during the spawning period of fish in 2022, a prohibition on fishing was introduced in the Kapshagay reservoir and all rivers and watercourses falling into it from April 15, 2022 to May 30, 2022 (inclusive).

The timing of the introduction of a prohibition on fishing on Lake Balkhash and the Alakol system of lakes, as well as in other regions of the republic, will be announced additionally, based on the results of a study of these reservoirs for the temperature regime and maturation of the gonads of commercial fish species. Detailed information on all regions of the country is available on the website of the information and legal system of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Adilet, as well as on the website When fishing, it is necessary to strictly comply with the established of the law requirements, for the violation of which both administrative and criminal liability is provided.