

  • Comprehensive survey of various types of water bodies to determine their potential and optimal fisheries use.
  • Conducting genetic research and genetic certification of fish, developing individual and mass passports for fish farms.
  • Scientific and methodological support for the creation and management of a fish farm.
  • Consulting services for the purchase of fish seed, feed and technological equipment for fish farms.
  • Development of design documentation for fish farms of various types (lake-commodity, pond, cage farms, industrial fish farms, recirculating aquaculture system).
  • Consultations and assistance from specialists in artificial reproduction of fish.
  • Assistance in drawing up a business plan for fish farms and farms.
  • Methodological assistance, consultations on various aspects of fisheries.
  • Reviewing biological justifications, reports on scientific developments and projects in various areas of research in the field of fisheries.


  • Calculation of damage caused to fish resources as a result of economic activity
  • Development of biological justifications for the maximum permissible catch of fish.
  • Development of biological justifications for the introduction (acclimatization) of fish, food organisms and recommendations for stocking water bodies.
  • Development of biological justifications for the transfer and change of status of water bodies of fishery importance.
  • Development, design and selection of optimal fish protection devices (FPD).


  • Determination of hydrobiological diversity in water bodies, assessment of the food supply of fish
  • Identification of the degree of consumption of food organisms and the feeding status of fish in natural water bodies.
  • Assessment of water body pollution with organic matter based on the state of lower aquatic organisms – indicators of saprobity of the water column and soils.
  • Preparation and issuance of a conclusion on compliance/non-compliance with the current technology, production capacities for the deep processing of Artemia cysts.
  • Development of biological justifications for the maximum permissible catch of Artemia cysts, as well as other valuable aquatic invertebrates.


  • Comprehensive survey of various types of water bodies (streams, ponds, warm waters, etc.) for hydrochemical indicators, with a conclusion on the suitability of water for various economic needs, including fisheries.
  • Determination of hydrochemical indicators of water; gas regime (O2 and CO2), pH of the environment, organic matter, physicochemical properties, ionic and biogenic compositions, mineral salts, their compliance with maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) standards with a forecast of the susceptibility of water bodies to fish kills.
  • Development of recommendations and biological justifications for improving the hydrochemical state of fishery water bodies.
  • Development of recommendations and justifications for improving the hydrochemical state of salt water bodies.