Hydroanalytics laboratory

Head of Laboratory, PhD:

Dolgopolova Svetlana Yurievna

Ongoing activities:

  • Monitoring of the hydrochemical state of water in the Kapshagayreservoir, Alakol lake and water bodies of local importance in the Almatyregion;
  • Development of recommendations and justifications for improving thehydrochemical state of saline water bodies in Almaty, North Kazakhstan regionsand the bays of the Aral Sea;
  • Reviewing of hydrochemical substantiations, scientific developmentsand projects;
  • Methodological assistance, advice on all issues of hydrochemistry;
  • Determination of water quality in reservoirs by organisms – indicatorsof pollution;
  • Comprehensive survey of various types of water bodies (watercourses,ponds, warm waters, etc.) with a conclusion on the suitability of water forvarious economic needs, including fisheries in terms of hydrochemicalindicators;
  • Determination of hydrochemical indicators of water; gas regime (O2and CO2), pH of the environment, organic matter, physicochemicalproperties, ionic and biogenic compositions, mineral salts with a forecast ofthe susceptibility of water bodies to suffocation phenomena;

Directions of scientific and technical activities

The laboratory staff consists of 3 employees with extensive experience.Most of the work on sample processing, material analysis, and reporting isperformed by full-time employees.

The laboratory is equipped with all the necessary equipment, scientificand methodological literature, specialized programs for data analysis.

The laboratory specialists annually publish both in regional andrepublican print media (newspapers, magazines, online publications), and invarious publications in Kazakhstan and foreign countries, actively participatein the media (Instagram, Facebook). They attend various international andrepublican forums, symposia, seminars, conferences, highlighting the problemsand results of work in the media. Laboratory staff constantly improve theirskills by studying scientific literature, undergo internships in areas ofactivity.

The laboratory operates on the basis of a certificate of assessment ofthe state of measurements in the laboratory by the Almaty branch of the National Center for Expertise andCertification JSC. The laboratory staff performs works on orders of the statebodies of Kazakhstan, such as:

  • Determination of fish productivity of fishery reservoirs and/or theirsections, development of biological justifications for maximum allowablevolumes of withdrawal of fish resources and other aquatic animals and issuanceof recommendations on the regime and regulation of fishing in reservoirs ofinternational, republican and local significance;
  • Applied scientific research in the field of fisheries for theconservation of biodiversity and restoration of fish resources and otherhydrobionts in water bodies of international and republican significance in theRepublic of Kazakhstan;
  • Implementation of projects under business contracts.