Certification of employees

Chaired by the Deputy Director General, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Asylbekova S.Zh., in order to ensure that the qualifications of employees correspond to the positions they hold and their career prospects, to assess the level of their professional training and in connection with the expiration of their term in the FishRPC after the Meeting of the Research Council, Certification of employees was held.

The certification was attended by branch directors, employes who had worked in the FishRPC for at least 3 months, as well as employees who had not passed recertification at the beginning of the year.

The main principles of certification are transparency, collegiality, and consistency.

The objectives of certification are:

– objective assessment of the professional level of employees and their compliance with the positions they hold;

– identification of problem areas of the FishRPC;

– identification of prospects for the most effective use of employees, stimulation of their business activity and professional growth;

– increasing the level of professional competence and responsibility for the results of the work performed;

— objective personnel placement of employees of FishRPC, planning of further employment in positions in the organizational structures of FishRPC.

Certification results: All employees of FishRPC passed the certification and confirmed their suitability for the positions held.