Scientific research works are carried out on the lakes of the Alakol system within the framework of budget programs

From September 5 to the present, the employees of FishRPC: Head of the expeditionary team Karlybayuly S., Head of the expeditionary team Minat A., Junior researcher Otegen S. A., Senior laboratory assistant Zhazykbaev N. M., Laboratory assistant Sakharin. N. K. conduct research work on the lakes of the Alakol system within the framework of the following budget programs:

 Subprogram 100 within the framework of budget program 021 “Ensuring the management, conservation and development of fish resources”;

 “Comprehensive studies of water bodies for the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources based on an assessment of their potential and modeling of stock dynamics” (IRN: BR23591095);

“Cadastre of wild animals of arid territories of the Balkhash-Alakol basin with an assessment of threats to their conservation and sustainable use.”

Currently, the expedition team is carrying out the following work:

– collection and analysis of ichthyological material – the main biological indicators of fish;

– analysis of the composition of commercial ichthyofauna;

– analysis of commercial catches of nature users in assigned fishing areas.

– echo sounding survey to study autumn migration and census fish numbers in the Alakol lake system.

 Research work on reservoirs is carried out in the presence of the chief specialist of the Alakol fish inspection department Sh. Kulenova.

 Research of the Alakol lake system continues.