Scientific research works are being carried out on the river. Ile and Kapshagai reservoir within the framework of budget programs

 From September 5 to the present, the employees of the FishRPC (head of the expeditionary team Makambetov S.Zh., head of the expeditionary team Bakkozha Zh.M., research associates Pangereev B.S., Igilik R. and laboratory assistant Abishev N.B.) have been conducting the following research and development work on the Ile River and the Kapshagay Reservoir within the framework of the budget programs:

– BP 021 (PP 100) Section: Kapshagay Reservoir and the Ile River;

– BP 267 (PP 101) “Comprehensive studies of water bodies for the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources based on an assessment of their potential and modeling of stock dynamics”;

– RTP “Cadastre of wild animals of arid territories of the Balkhash-Alakol basin with an assessment of threats to their conservation and sustainable use”.

 Currently, the expedition team is carrying out the following work:

– collection and analysis of ichthyological material – the main biological indicators of fish;

– the composition of the commercial ichthyofauna in the reservoir is analyzed;

– autumn fish migration is studied;

– analysis of commercial catches of nature users in assigned fishing areas is carried out.

– echo sounding survey is carried out to account for the number of fish in the Kapchagay reservoir.

In addition, based on the letter of the RGU “Balkhash-Alakol Interregional Basin Inspectorate of Fisheries” dated July 22, 2024 No. 30.02-02-27 / 656, in accordance with the minutes of the meeting, an analysis of the commercial catch of fishermen is carried out together with specialists from the Kapchagay Fish Inspectorate department.

During the period of scientific research work on the Kapshagay reservoir, the chief specialist of the Kapshagay fishery inspection department “Balkhash-Alakol interregional basin fishery inspection (BAMBIRH)” Karbekov E.O. takes part.