Academic Council

Chief Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the RPC of Fisheries

Mukhramova Alena Alexandrovna, PhD

Phone: +7 (727) 390-95-75 (103)


The Academic Council is an internal consultative and advisory part of “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” (hereinafter – RPC of Fisheries) . The activities of the Academic Council (hereinafter – Council), the main tasks, functions, rights and obligations of the Council are regulated by the Regulations on the Academic Council.

The main tasks of the Scientific Council of the RPC of Fisheries:

  • consideration of internal issues of scientific and (or) scientific and technical (S&T), innovative activities (reports on research, biological justifications, standards, methods, recommendations, implementation of scientific developments, etc.), development of proposals for improving activities and making recommendations; 
  • consideration of internal strategic and current plans for the activities of the RPC of Fisheries; 
  • consideration of issues on interaction with other scientific organizations, higher educational institutions, the scientific community on participation in the formation and implementation of a unified state scientific and technical policy; 
  • study and development of proposals for improving the organization of scientific and methodological, test work and experimental work;
  • participation in the popularization and promotion of the results of scientific and S&T activities, assistance in their commercialization; 
  • assistance in the development of international scientific and S&T cooperation; 
  • development of proposals for the effective work of a scientific organization and its structural divisions; 
  • consideration of issues for the training and advanced training of scientific personnel of the RPC of Fisheries; 
  • consideration and evaluation of reports of supervisors, undergraduates, doctoral students, heads of laboratories (departments, sectors), individual researchers on the results on scientific research.