Council of young scientists (CYS)

The Council of Young Scientists LLP «Research and Production Center for Fisheries» is a permanent consultative and advisory body that coordinates scientific activities and represents the interests of working young scientists and specialists in the LLP «Scientific and Production Center for Fisheries».

The composition of the Council is formed from young scientists and specialists under the age of 36. Members of the Council of Young Scientists are elected for a period of three years at a general meeting of young scientists and specialists working in the institution and its branches, by open voting (by a majority of votes).

The Council is accountable to the General Director and the Academic Council of Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP.

In its activities, the Council is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts.

Chairman of the CYS

Умиртаева А.У.

Vice Chairman of CYS

Тарина Г.Қ.

CYS Secretary

Бараков Р.Т.

The purpose of the Council is to develop an active position of young scientists in conducting scientific research, develop the scientific and human potential of young scientists, increase the efficiency of solving the problems of young scientists and involve young scientists themselves in their solution.

 The main tasks of the Council:

– fulfillment of the role of a representative body, and protection of the rights of scientific youth, expression of the opinion of scientific youth on various aspects of professional activity and social and living conditions of life;

– promoting the professional growth of young scientists who are actively involved in research to solve scientific problems, including by combining the efforts of young scientists;

– improving the forms of participation of young scientists(strengthening the role of young scientists) in research projects, scientific grants, competitions, programs, internships, international grants;- формированиеумолодежиположительногоимиджамолодогоученого;

– involvement of young professionals in research activities on topical research issues;

– coordination of the activities of the working groups of the Council;

– formation and expansion of a network of contacts with the Councils ofYoung Scientists of other scientific organizations, higher educational institutions and international research centers;

– promotion of the achievements of young scientists, the possibility of their use in the conditions of market relations;

– preservation and development of the human resources potential of young scientists, continuity of scientific generations, building up intellectual potential;

– holding scientific events with the participation of young scientists at the republican and regional levels.