Commercialization RGKP “Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery” 2017-2020 y.

Commercialization project: “Artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of pike perch fish seed material for stocking natural reservoirs.”

Goal: Organization of a pond fish farm for the artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of pike perch fish seed material for stocking natural reservoirs with fish.


– organize work on catching and transporting pike perch spawners for reproduction purposes;

– develop technology for transporting pike perch breeders and fish seeding material;

– to form a replacement broodstock (RMB) of pike perch in a fish farm;

– create a production site for pond rearing of pike perch fingerlings;

– obtain pike perch larvae and raise them to the stage of grown juveniles;

– organize work on raising pike perch fingerlings from grown-up juveniles;

– organize the sale of pike perch fish seeding material;

– prepare and submit patent applications (3 pcs.) for the transportation of live pike perch; on artificial reproduction of pike perch; on the technology of growing pike perch fingerlings in ponds;

– disseminate best practices in the technology of artificial reproduction of pike perch in the conditions of a fish farm in the Kyzylorda region; prepare promotional materials for products, price lists, presentation materials;

– conduct a seminar among nature users on the technology of growing pike perch fish seed material in a fish farm;

– prepare and publish scientific articles, take part in international conferences and exhibitions on the technology of reproduction and cultivation of pike perch in the conditions of fish farms in the south of Kazakhstan.

Place of implementation of the project: RGKP “Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery” (Tastaksky and Koszharsky sections); PC “Zhambyl”

Project implementation period: 2017-2020.

Post-implementation period of the project: 2021-2023.

Expected results:

– work will be organized to capture and transport pike perch spawners for reproduction purposes;

– technologies for transporting pike perch breeders and fish seeding material will be developed;

– a replacement broodstock (RMB) of pike perch will be formed;

– a production site for pond rearing of pike perch fingerlings will be created;

– pike perch larvae will be obtained and reared to the stage of grown juveniles;

– work will be organized to rear young-of-the-year pike perch from grown-up juveniles;

-the sale of pike perch fish seeding material will be organized;

– patent applications (3 pieces) for the transportation of live pike perch will be prepared and filed; on artificial reproduction of pike perch; on the technology of growing pike perch fingerlings in ponds;

– advanced experience in the technology of artificial reproduction and cultivation of pike perch in the conditions of a fish farm in the Kyzylorda region will be disseminated; promotional materials for products, price lists, and presentation materials will be prepared;

– a seminar will be held among nature users on the technology of growing pike perch fish seeding material in a fish farm;

– scientific articles will be prepared and published, participation will be taken in international conferences and exhibitions on the technology of reproduction and cultivation of pike perch in the conditions of fish farms in the south of Kazakhstan.

Results obtained in 2017:

Equipment and materials for the work were purchased. A lease agreement has been concluded for the ponds. Pike perch breeders were caught to form a broodstock.

Results obtained in 2018:

Work has been carried out to prepare pond areas for raising fingerlings and keeping pike perch. A production site for pond rearing of pike perch fingerlings has been created. The catching of pike perch spawners from natural reservoirs (Syr Darya River and fishing areas of the Small Aral Sea) was carried out. Producers of zander transported to the incubation workshop of the Tastak section of the Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery, adapted to the conditions of the workshop. A spawning campaign for pike perch was carried out, pike perch larvae were obtained, juveniles were reared, pike perch fingerlings were raised and sold. The technology for cultivating live food for pike perch has been developed. A patent was received for a utility model “Device for transporting live pike perch”

Results obtained in 2019:

The catching of pike perch spawners from natural reservoirs (Syr Darya River and fishing areas of the Small Aral Sea) was carried out. The pike perch breeders were transported to the incubation workshop of the Tastak section of the Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery and adapted to the conditions of the workshop. A valuation of pike perch was carried out to carry out artificial reproduction of pike perch. A spawning campaign for pike perch was carried out, pike perch larvae were obtained, juveniles were reared, and pike perch fish seed material was grown and sold. A seminar was organized and conducted among nature users on the technology of reproduction and rearing of pike perch fingerlings in pond conditions. A patent was received for the utility model “River spawning complex for the reproduction of vessels

Results obtained in 2020:

Pike perch spawners were caught from wintering ponds at the Tastak site of the “KAmyshlybash Fish Hatchery” and an additional catch was made from the river. Syrdarya and fishing areas of the Small Aral Sea. The pike perch breeders were transported to the incubation workshop of the Tastak site of the Kamyshlybash Fish Hatchery. A valuation and spawning campaign of pike perch was carried out, pike perch larvae were obtained, juveniles were reared, and pike perch fish seed material was grown and sold. A patent was received for the utility model “Growing young-of-the-year pike perch in ponds.” The dissemination of advanced experience in the technology of artificial reproduction of pike perch in the conditions of a fish farm in the Kyzylorda region was carried out. Scientific articles and recommendations have been prepared.