IRN AP09058158 Study of export-oriented bioresource — Artemia franciscana for biological justification development on their introduction, to increase productivity of RK saline waterbodies.
This work will provide an opportunity to increase the productivity of bitter-salt water reservoirs of the country by implementation a new biological species for Kazakhstan – Artemia franciscana. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that there has been no work aimed at increasing the stocks and quality of Artemia’s cysts so far this year in Kazakhstan.
To study opportunities, the main criteria of crustacean Artemia franciscana survival and to compare production characteristics of two populations of valuable bioresource – Artemia parthenogenetica, Artemia franciscana, for the purpose of increase in productivity bitter-salty RК reservoirs, for receiving high-quality competitive products for implementation in the internal and external markets.
Expected results:
The implementation of the tasks will help to reveal the interpopulation competitiveness of two populations of crustaceans, the degree of their survival, as a consequence, which will determine the prevalence of more productive populations. There are practically no studies that determine the economic aspects of the cultivation of Artemia in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and therefore, there is a need to conduct work to assess the influence of various factors on the productional population characteristics of Artemia franciscana during the introduction of Artemia cysts into natural water bodies.
The achieved results for half a year:
We searched for suppliers and signed contracts for the supply of equipment and consumables, the equipment and consumables for implementation of the project are purchased. A survey of the physical-geographical and morphological characteristics of the bitter-saline reservoirs of the Petropavlovsk (Mengesor and Stanovoe lakes) and Pavlodar (Sharbakty, Seyten, Kazy and Kalatuz lakes) regions with use of navigation devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. has begun. For each reservoir, coordinates, measurements of depths, water salinity, temperature and water transparency were received. An assessment of the hydrochemical regime of the selected reservoirs of Kazakhstan was carried out, the material on hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, genetics and biotechnology was collected.
Achieved results in 2021:
The physical-geographical and morphological characteristics of bitter-salty water reservoirs of Pavlodar region were examined using navigation devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. Studies were carried out in bitter-salty water reservoirs to determine the concentration of Artemia cysts. The physical-geographical and morphological characteristics of bitter-salty water reservoirs of Pavlodar region were examined using navigation devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. Studies were carried out in bitter-salty water reservoirs to determine the concentration of Artemia cysts. Research work was carried out on selected salt reservoirs (Pavlodar region). An assessment of the hydrochemical regime of selected reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out, and the structure of the Artemia population of the studied reservoirs was determined. Materials on hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, genetics and biotechnology have been collected. Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Collected data on habitat conditions, distribution and population structure of Artemia in water reservoirs. The genetic diversity of cysts and crustaceans of Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana was assessed by molecular genetic methods (nuclear and mitochondrial D1IK markers). The received material was processed and the data was analyzed, 1 (one) article was published in a reviewed foreign publication recommended by the CQASES MES RK. The analysis of the received data was carried out, an interim report on research was drawn up and submitted in accordance with GOST.
List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2021:
1.Mazhibayeva Zh. O., Barakbayev T. T., Shalgimbayeva G. M., Isbekov K. B., Assylbekova S. Zh., Fefelov V. V. Populations of Artemia crustaceans of Karabassky floods of Pribalkhashye. Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Fishing Industry.- 2021.-№3.-47-54. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.24143/2072-9502-2021-3-47-54.
Achieved results in 2022:
The necessary equipment has been made. Work has been carried out to identify the effectiveness of the use of various feed components in the cultivation of juvenile of Artemia. Studies have been carried out to determine suitable food objects for Artemia larvae and nauplii.The biochemical composition and energy value of the biomasses of two crustacean populations and their cysts were assessed for commercial use. The laboratory determined the biochemical composition of Artemia cysts, followed by analysis of the results.Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water reservoirs (Aral Sea: Tushchybas and Chernyshev bays). An assessment was made of the hydrochemical regime of selected reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the structures of the Artemia population in the studied bays were determined. Materials on hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, genetics and biotechnology were collected.The optimal stocking density of larvae and juvenile invertebrates under various conditions was established. Experimental work has been carried out.Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Data on habitat conditions, distribution and structure of the population were collected, 2 (two) articles were published in foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by the CQASSHE. 1 patent was obtained for a utility model for transporting or catching Artemia cysts. 1 training seminar was held.The genetic diversity of cysts and crustaceans of Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana was assessed by molecular genetic methods (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers). Differences between populations of the crustacean Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana were determined using microsatellite (STR) and mitochondrial (CtB gene) DNA markers in the Tushchyba Bay of the Aral Sea. An analysis of the data obtained was carried out and a report was prepared in accordance with GOST.
List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2022:
01.Moldrakhman A.S., Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Dolgopolova S.Yu., Kozhizhanova B.A., Suleimenova A.M. Hydrochemical studies and phytoplankton of saline lakes in Pavlodar region. Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (interdisciplinary). -2022 -#1 (112). – p. 145-152.
02.Moldrakhman AS, Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Minat A. Study of hydrochemical parameters and structure of phytoplankton in hyperhaline lakes of the North Kazakhstan region. Bulletin of Science of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (interdisciplinary). -2022 -#2 (113). – p. 189-196.
Achieved results for the 1st half of 2023:
Work has begun on the development of temporary standards for the conditions of keeping and growing two populations of Artemia crustaceans (hydrochemical regime, biological data, calculation of the optimal stocking density) Franciscan. To determine the size and growth rate of crustaceans, morphometric measurements (body length and abdominal width) of Artemia were performed. Research work was carried out on selected bitter-salty water bodies (North-Kazakhstan region, near the city of Petropavlovsk). An assessment of the hydrochemical regime of selected reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out, the structure of the Artemia population of the studied reservoirs will be determined. The hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the habitat of the crustacean, their seasonal variability in 4 lakes (Lake Zhamantuz, Lake Mengesor, Lake Stanovoe, Lake Kalibek) were established in the early summer period of 2023. Phytoplankton was studied as a food base for Artemia crustaceans. The morpho-biological and population characteristics of two Artemia populations were revealed. Studies of Artemia crustacean populations were carried out to determine the places of their concentration. The sensitivity of two types of Artemia to fluctuations in the parameters (salinity, oxygen content, temperature and pH value) of the environment is being assessed.
An assessment of the genetic polymorphism of cysts, larvae and nauplii of Artemia crustaceans of two species was carried out, a molecular genetic analysis of various populations of the crustacean Artemia parthenogenetica was given. As a result of sequencing of the gene for cytochrome oxidase (COI) and cytochrome b (ctb) of mitochondrial DNA, a fragment of the nucleotide sequence with a length of 648 and 750 base pairs was obtained. A seminar was organized to disseminate knowledge among nature users and fish farm workers to attract public attention on the topic “Modern methods for studying the biological characteristics of Artemia gill crustaceans and assessing the quality of cysts.” The development of a biological justification for increasing the productivity of saline and/or hypersaline water bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan has begun. 1 scientific article has been published in a domestic journal recommended by the CQAFSHE.
Device for collecting artemia cysts: Utility model patent No. 6921 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, IPC A01K 61/00, «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Barakbaev T.T., Kim A.I., Asylbekova S.Zh., Application No. 2022/0033.2 Application No. 24.01.2022 Bulletin number and date: No. 9 of 03/04/2022.A seminar was held on the topic: “Modern methods for studying the ecological and biological characteristics of the Artemia gill crustacean and assessing the quality of cysts.”
Full names of members of the research team with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to the corresponding profiles:
Barakbayev T.T., doctor of philosophy (PhD), director of the Aral branch of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, project manager,;
Mazhibaeva Zh.O., doctor of philosophy (PhD), head of the laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP,;
Fefelov V.V., head of the support base of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP on Kostanay city,;
Aubakirova M.O., doctor of philosophy (PhD), senior science researcher of laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP,;
Kozhizhanova B.A., science researcher of laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, master of degree,;
Moldrakhman A.S., science researcher of laboratory of hydrobiology of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, performer, undergraduate,;
Adyrbekova K.B.., head of the laboratory genetics of hydribionts of «RPC of Fiheries» LLP, doctoral candidate,;
Bocharova E.S., specialist geneticist,;
Information for potential users
The work on the project is aimed for increase the stocks and quality of Artemia cysts, which has not been available in the Republic of Kazakhstan until now. The implementation of the project is important for the national economy. Kazakhstan possesses 10-15% of artemia world reserves; the production limit cyst from republic reservoirs for 2019 is set in the amount of 1492.81 tons (limit/quota) [3, 4]. The main part of the specified volume is made by Pavlodar region lakes (1116.0 tons per year). The development and increase in the productivity of the biological resource of Artemia cysts in the salt-water bodies of Kazakhstan can be one of the main directions of the development of domestic production of starter bio-feeds of aquatic origin for the needs of fish farming and aquaculture.
The objectives of the project in 2023 were to analyze the data obtained for 2021-2023 from lakes Stanovoe and Mengisor in the North Kazakhstan region; lakes Kazy, Kalatuz, Seyten, Sharbakty of Pavlodar region; Tuschybas and Chernysheva bays and areas of the western part of the Great Aral Sea in the Kyzylorda and Aktobe regions. According to the project program, studies of bitter-salty reservoirs were conducted. Besides, brine shrimp Artemia franciscana from three geographical locations: America, China and Thailand. Data were obtained as a result of the project on the current state of the habitat of Artemia in nine bitter-salty reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (assessment in a seasonal aspect of hydrological and hydrochemical parameters and parameters of the food supply – phytoplankton); about the morpho-biological and population characteristics of the crustacean; about the genetic status of the objects in question; on the assessment of biochemical and toxicological parameters of cysts, nauplii (larvae) and crustaceans of two populations of Artemia A. parthenogenetica and A. franciscana; about the possible coexistence of two Artemia populations.
New biological justification and temporary standards for the introduction and rational use of commercially valuable invertebrates in the bitter-salty water bodies of Kazakhstan were developed based on the analysis of research results.
Area of application: processing and production of feed for hydrobionts and other animals, environmental genetics, development of measures for the rational use of reserves of Kazakhstan populations of the Artemia brine shrimp.
In 2023, based on the results of the project, manuscripts were prepared and sent to a journal included in the Scopus database: Mazhibaeva Zh., Orazova S., Barakbayev T., Aubakirova M., Isbekov K., Moldrakhman A. Influence of microalgae in the composition of phytoplankton on the fatty acid composition of lipids of Artemia cysts in the conditions of lakes of Northern Kazakhstan // Caspian Journal of Environmenta Sciences. 2024; Mazhibaeva Zh., Orazova S., Barakbayev T., Aubakirova M., Isbekov K., Bolatbekova Z., Kozhizhanova B. Seasonal dynamics of fatty acid composition of Artemia cysts lipids from lakes of Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan // Caspian Journal of Environmenta Sciences. 2024.
Also, based on the results of the project, one article was published in a journal included in the databases Web of Science (Quartile Q2) и Scopus (Procentile 72%): Aubakirova, M.; Mazhibayeva, Z.; Assylbekova, S.Z.; Isbekov, K.B.; Barbol, B.; Bolatbekova, Z.; Jussupbekova, N.; Moldrakhman, A.; Satybaldiyeva, G. The Current State of Zooplankton Diversity in the Middle Caspian Sea during Spring. Diversity 2023, 15, 798.
According to the calendar plan, one planned article was published in the journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education – Moldrahman A.S., Mazhibaeva Zh.O., Kozhizhanova B.A., Barakbaev T.T., Isbekov K.B. Phytoplankton of the Aral Sea bays, Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin. №1 (116) 2023, pages 158-164
In July 2023, a workshop was held on the topic “Modern methods intended to study the biological characteristics of the brine shrimp and assessing the quality of cysts” for nature users of the Limited Liability Partnership “Vostok-Aquaculture” (Dubovoy P.N. and others) with the participation of employees of the Scientific and Production Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 2023, two publications on the topic grant project: “Influence of microalgae in the composition of phytoplankton on the fatty acid composition of lipids of Artemia cysts in the conditions of lakes of Northern Kazakhstan” and “Seasonal dynamics of fatty acid composition of Artemia cysts lipids from lakes of Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan” headed the Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences with a percentage of raw 44.