
2017 year:

1) Cage for cultivationwith the dried cleared small-blade cloth. Patentfor utility model No. 2139 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Deep hydroacoustic fish protection device for dams of smallhydropower plants. Patent for utility model No. 2150 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

3) The method of growing juvenile carp and pikeperch. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2159 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) Device for catching and transporting fish from fixed cages. Patentfor utility model No. 2511 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) Device for catching young fish from fry ponds. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2512 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) Artificial breeding ground for sturgeon. Patent for utility model No.2456 of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2018 year:

1) Compound feed for trout fry with probiotic preparation. Patent forinvention No. 32671 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Deep fish protection device for flooded intakes of coastal waterintakes. Patent for utility model No. 2724 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) Device for incubating fertilized sturgeon roe in natural waterconditions. Patent for utility model No. 2709 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) Method of monitoring habitat and protection of valuable species offish using unmanned aerial vehicles. Patent for utility model No. 2681 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan;

5) Fish protection device for small water intakes. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2762 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) Fish protection device for the water discharge structures ofhydroelectric dams and reservoirs. Patent for utility model No. 2763 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan;

7) Device for degassing and aeration of water in fish plants. Patent forutility model No. 2891 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) The method of incubation of carp / carp caviar. Patent for utilitymodel No. 2925 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) The method of growing fish stock of stellate sturgeon. Patent forutility model No. 3077 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) Device for transporting live perch. Patent for utility model No.3078 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) Artemia egg collecting device. Patent for utility model No. 3079 ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan;

12) The method of growing fish stock of Russian sturgeon. Patent forutility model No. 3138 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) The method of estimating the number of fish echo sounder. Patent forutility model No. 3242 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

14) Improved double-walled fishing net. Patent for utility model No.3404 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) The method of calculating the number of migratory fish in rivers.Patent for utility model No. 3379 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

16) A cage for rearing young common fish. Patent for utility model No.3474 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

17) The method of estimating the amount of fish caught by recreationalfishing. Patentfor utility model No. 3475 of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2019 year:

1) Device for rearingtrout with direct-flow water supply system. Patentfor utility model No. 3603 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Method of obtaining planting material for grass carp in 3-4 fishbreeding zone: Patent for utility model No. 3888 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) Method for obtaining and incubating fertilized pike perch eggs:Patent for utility model No. 3889 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) Mullet fishing device: Patent for utility model No. 3926 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan;

5) Method for growing two-year-old pike perch in ponds: Patent forutility model No. 3927 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) Method of cultivation of vinegar eel (Turbatrix aceti) as a starterfeed for juvenile fish: Patent for utility model No. 4073 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

7) Installation with closed water supply for incubation of carp andherbivorous fish eggs: Patent for utility model No. 4075 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

8) Method of transportation of carp / carp of different ages: Patent forutility model No. 4231 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) Improved pond for raising early juvenile carp: Patent for utilitymodel No. 4232 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) An improved method for monitoring and protecting large fisheryreservoirs: Patent for utility model No. 4236 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) Method of making collectible specimens of fish and othercold-blooded vertebrates: Patent for utility model No. 4404 of the Republic ofKazakhstan;

12) Method of making exhibits of fish, amphibians, reptiles: Patent forutility model No. 4405 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) Channel spawning complex for reproduction of pike perch: Patent forutility model No. 4485 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

14) Device for mounting the echo sounder sensor: Patent for utilitymodel No. 4493 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

15) Fishing cap net with constant fishing area: Patent for utility modelNo. 4486 of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

16) Device for taking benthic samples in reservoirs with different typesof bottom relief: Patent for utility model No. 4499 of the Republic ofKazakhstan.

2020 year:

1) Method of growingthree-year-old pike perch in ponds: Patent for utility model No. 4967 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, А01 / К 61/00 (2006.01), within the framework ofproject No. АР05130395 (MES);

2) Improved removable container for transportation of live juvenilecarp: Patent for a useful model No. 4968 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A01 / K61/00 (2017.01), in project No. 0147-18-GK (JSC Science Foundation);

3) Method of cultivation of white enchitrea (Enchytraeus albidus) as alive starter food for juvenile fish: Patent for utility model No. 5065 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, A23 / K 1/00 ​​A01K 61/00 (2017.01);

4) Improved rakolovka-trap: Patent for utility model No. 5164 of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, А01К 69/08 (2006.01);

5) Improved hydrobiological beam trail for catching bottom and bottomorganisms: Patent for utility model No. 5179 of the Republic of Kazakhstan,A01M 23/02 (2006.01);

6) Improved pond for keeping juveniles of pike perch: Patent for utilitymodel No. 5163 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 61/00 (2006.01), within the framework of project No. 0008-17-ГК (JSC Science Fund);

7) Method for determining the number of fish in water bodies of localimportance: Patent for utility model No. 5219 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 69/00 (2006.01);

8) An improved method for determining the catchability of fixed nets inscientific fishing: Patent for utility model No. 5220 of the Republic ofKazakhstan, А01К 61/00 (2006.01);

9) An improved way of growing carp underyearlings in ponds: Patent for auseful model No. 5221 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A01K 61/00 (2006.01), inraikas of project No. 0147-18-GK (JSC Science Fund);

10) Method for pasting sturgeon caviar: Patent for utility model No.5223 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 61/00 (2006.01);

11) Method for combined estimation of fish abundance with fixed nets andecho sounder: Patent for utility model No. 5222 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, А01К 69/00 (2006.01);

12) An improved method for breeding crayfish in shallow lakes: Patentfor utility model No. 5189 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A01K 61/00 (2006.01);

13) A method for increasing the efficiency of stocking of reservoirs:Patent for a useful model No. 5273 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MPK A01K61/00 (2006.01);

14) Method for obtaining starting compound feed for larvae and juvenilezander: Patent for invention No. 34532, IPC А01К 61/10 (2017.01), А23К 50/80 (2016.01), А23К 40/25 (2016.01);

15) Improved hydrobiological bucket bottom grab: Patent for utilitymodel No. 5266 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MPK А01М 23/02 (2006.01);

16) Mobile installation with closed water supply for rearing juvenilesof valuable fish species: Patent for utility model No. 5333 of the Republic ofKazakhstan, IPC А01К 61/00 (2006.01);

17) Eco-friendly backwater fishing seine: Patent for utility model No.5618 of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MPK А01К 69/00 (2006.01)18) Within the framework of the commercializationproject No. 0147-18-ГК (JSC Science Fund).

2021 year:

1) Mullet fishing gear in shallow waters of the sea: Patent of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6527

2) Fishing cape net with an increased fishing area: Patent of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6581

3) Two-pocket seine: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utilitymodel No. 6963

4) Method of harvesting and processing of Artemia crustacean cysts:Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6615.

2022 year:

1) Device for collecting artemia cysts: Patent of the Republic ofKazakhstan for utility model No. 6921;

2) Modular installation of closed water supply for the cultivation ofAustralian red-lobed crayfish: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utilitymodel No. 6981;

3) Method of environmental protection of fish and juveniles fromentering culverts: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.6982;

4) Device for uniform release of valuable fish juveniles into thereservoir during introduction in order to increase fish productivity: Patent ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7124;

5) Fixed cage seine for lifetime capture of rare and endemic fish:Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7125;

6) Active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device for hydroelectricdams and reservoirs: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.7125;

7) Method of fishing with a fixed seine: Patent of the Republic ofKazakhstan for utility model No. 7141;

8) Method of creating a feed base in conditions of lake-commercial fishfarms: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7352;

9) Method of increasing fish productivity of reservoirs: Patent of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7477;

10) Method of preparation of small and medium-sized lakes for stocking:Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7478;

11) The method of forming a repacement broodstock of sazan on a fishfarm: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7547.

2023 year:

1)Method for obtaining live feeds for young jade perch : Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8062

2)Eco-friendly floating autonomous cage for maintenance of broodstock of rare and endemic fish: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.7935

3)Method for protection of valuable rare fish in cages from predatory fish-eating otter: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.7946

4)Method of fish stocking during reintroduction of valuable fish: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8077

5)Method for studying the biological characteristics of fish – objects of recreational fishing. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8126

6)Device for measurement of fish from catches of sport and amateur fishing.Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8441

7)Method of producing extruded animal feed for zander fry. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No №36224

8)Process for the production of grower feed for crayfish. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No 36357

9)Method for the produetion of production compound feed for jade perel. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No 36329

10)Method for growing pike in industrial fish farming : Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8102

2024 year:

1)A method for of aquatic habitats of rare and endangered fish species: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.8977

1)A device for processing fish in natural conditions : Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No.9111