The laboratory of LLP “FishRPC” works on the introduction of technology of cultivation of black soldier fly are carried out

Within the framework of the project “Development and implementation of technologies for the production of domestic competitive artificial feed and adaptation of technologies for the cultivation of promising live feed for valuable and endemic fish species at fishery enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by the laboratory of aquaculture of LLP “FishRPC” on the basis of LLP “Kapchagai spawning farm-1973” works on the introduction of technology of cultivation of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) are carried out.


To obtain larvae of theblack soldier fly the following stages of work were carried out: 1) preparation of insectarium for cultivation, 2) obtaining eggs from adults, 3) planting eggs in small nutrient substrate and obtaining larvae, 4) transplanting 5 mm larvae into large nutrient substrate and intensive feeding of larvae. At this stage of work, intensive feeding of larvae is carried out until the transition to the pupal stage. Wheat bran was used as the main substrate for larvae. Various food wastes are introduced to feed the larvae.


At the next stages of black soldier fly cultivation it is planned to obtain pupae and adult flies.


For information: Black soldier fly larvae have proven themselves as a live feed for various aquaculture facilities. The high nutritional value of larvae is primarily confirmed by a balanced set of amino acids (35-40%), safety in their use and positive effect on the complex of fish-biological indicators. Larvae are used in feeding trout, salmon, carp, tilapia and sturgeon species of fish. At many fish farms, where there is a possibility of cultivation of this object, larvae are more often used in feeding young fish from 5 to 50 g of fish.