General Director K.B. Isbekov congratulated employees of the Scientific and Production Centre of Fishery LLP with ‘Fishery Workers Day’!

Today General Director K.B. Isbekov congratulated employees of the Scientific and Production Centre of Fishery LLP with the forthcoming professional holiday ‘Fishery Workers Day’ and awarded medals, certificates of honour and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of RK and the Fishery Committee.


For information: The Fisheries Workers Day is celebrated every second Sunday of July in Kazakhstan.


‘Fishery Workers Day’  was first celebrated in the USSR in 1964 in Murmansk, where fishing is the leading industry. After that, a proposal was sent from the region to celebrate the holiday throughout the country. Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR accepted the proposal and on May 3, 1965 there was a decree on the establishment of the holiday. It was decided to celebrate it on the second Sunday of July for a reason. By that time the spawning ban on fishing was lifted, the weather stabilized, and all the fishermen flocked to the waters. In 1965 the status of professional holiday ‘Fishery Workers Day’ was given only in Ukraine and Russia, while in other republics, including Kazakhstan, it was celebrated without approval.


It received the status of an official professional holiday in Kazakhstan in 2017 (in accordance with Article 4 of the Law “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”). In the list of professional holidays it is listed as Fishermen’s Day.