Meeting with Nariman Amirgalievich Amirgalievich

In the head office of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP, a meeting was held between Nariman Amirgaliev, PhD, Professor, academician, with the General director of the LLP “NPC of Fisheries” Isbekov Kuanysh Baybolatovich, PhD, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and employees of the testing center, hydroanalytics laboratory.

During the meeting, Kuanysh Baibolatovich congratulated Nariman Amirgalievich on being awarded the high title of “Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences” and presented a certificate of renaming a research vessel (Balkhash branch) “Professor N. Amirgaliev” in “Academician N. Amirgaliev”.

In turn, Nariman Amirgalievich presented the library of the Center with the author’s literature on the development of fisheries science, ecological and toxicological areas, in the field of hydrochemistry and water and environmental problems. The Hydrolitic Laboratories were presented with valuable equipment for performing a wide range of laboratory tasks and analyses.

Also, the issue of joint research work on the study of the qualitative composition of water in the reservoirs of Kazakhstan was discussed.

For reference: Amirgaliev Nariman Amirgalievich worked in the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP (formerly KazNIIRH) continuously for 53 years (from July 11, 1959 to March 31, 2012). For many years he was the head of the hydrochemistry laboratory. In 2009-2011, he was the scientific director and executor of a major project on the problems of ecology and the use of water resources in the fisheries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.