Hydro-analytical studies of the water of the Alakol lake system, the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River

From May 5 to the present, employees of LLP “Fisheries Research and Production Center”: Dolgopolova S.Yu. – Head of the laboratory, Mukatai A.A. – researcher and Bekturov D.S. – researcher, conduct hydroanalytical studies of the water of the Alakol lake system, Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River. 

At the moment, water samples have been collected and hydrological studies have been carried out at the Kapshagai reservoir and the Ili River.The selected water samples are examined in the laboratory of the Fisheries Research Center for the content of chemicals, nutrients and salt composition. Research works are carried out within the framework of  program-targeted financing (267-101-154) and forecast forecast topics (256-102-159). Studies of the Alakol lake system are continuing.