The work on the reproduction of walleye in artificial conditions of the fish farm of the PC “Zhambyl” was carried out

Within the framework of the targeted financing program project “Development and implementation of industrial technologies for the cultivation of promising fish farming facilities and invertebrate aquatic organisms in the conditions of fish farming enterprises”, work was carried out on the reproduction of walleye in artificial conditions of the PC “Zhambyl” fish farming.

  Employees of the Aral branch of the LLP “FishRPC” acting head participate in the spawning campaign of pike perch Iskhakov G.Zh., junior researcher Omar B.M., senior laboratory assistant Kalaganov Zh.S., as well as senior researcher at the Laboratory of Aquaculture of the head FishRPC Badryzlova N.S.

 Spawning of walleye producers in the Zhambyl PC took place on non-perch nests placed in cages. The cage line was placed in the pond. Males and females were placed on spawning nests in pairs after bonitation. After the walleye spawning, the nests with the laid eggs were placed in the Amur apparatuses. During the incubation of walleye caviar, daily monitoring of the hatching of larvae in Amur apparatuses was carried out. For further cultivation, walleye larvae are planted in a closed water supply installation.