Atyrau hosts a seminar organized by the FishRPC on the project of the PCF “Ecological and genetic monitoring of marine fish species of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin”

Atyrau hosts a seminar organized by the  FishRPC on the project of the PCF “Ecological and genetic monitoring of marine fish species of the Zhaiyk -Caspian basin” with the participation of Andre Shtekenreuter, a scientific specialist in acoustic equipment of the InnovaSea company (Canada) to solve the problem of testing acoustic equipment for the search for breeding sites of sturgeon of the Zhaiyk River. 

The seminar was held in the format of a presentation of materials with a demonstration of acoustic equipment for working in the conditions of the Zhaiyk river.

The seminar was attended by Deputy General Director D.B.N. Asylbekova S.Zh., Advisor to the General Director Romashov Y.T., SNS of the Genetics Laboratory Shalgimbayeva G.M., NS of the Aquaculture Laboratory Maratova G.M., co-executor of the project from VNIRO Volkov A.A. employees of the Atyrau branch, representatives of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin. LLP  FishRPC thanks the director of the Ural-Atyrau sturgeon plant Muskhadzhiev B. Zh. for his assistance in organizing the seminar.