A meeting of the Scientific Council of NPCRH LLP is being held to review and approve work programs on research and development for 2023 year

On March 15-16, 2023, under the chairmanship of the General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Associate Professor) Isbekov K.B. 2023 year, a meeting of the Scientific Council of NPCRH LLP is being held to review and approve work programs on research and development for 2023 year.

On the agenda, consideration of next working programs:

  1. According to the scientific and technical program to ensure the integrated development of aquaculture;
  2. According to the scientific and technical program for the integrated assessment of the state of fish resources and other aquatic organisms;
  3. To determine the fish productivity of fishery reservoirs, as well as to assess the state of fish resources;
  4. On the development of the Red Book of Animals of Kazakhstan and an electronic database on rare and endangered animals.

The meeting will be held from March 15 to March 16, 2023.