Research work is underway to assess the role of recreational fishing

The scientific staff of the Research and Production Center of Fisheries LLP carry out research work within the framework of the task of the Scientific and Technical Program “Evaluation of the role of recreational fishing and its impact on ichthyocenosis in the main fishing water bodies of Kazakhstan” to assess the role of recreational fishing in the Kapshagai reservoir and Alakol system of lakes (Lake Sasykkol, Lake Alakol).

In the course of the work, general monitoring of the catches of amateur fishermen is carried out, biological indicators of the caught fish are taken, experiments are made with winter rods to determine the catchability of various fishing gear and baits.

It is worth noting that research under this task is being carried out for the third and final year, and based on the results, according to the calendar plan, recommendations will be developed on the optimal organization of catch statistics.