Vice Minister of the MENR of the RK, Shalabekova A.L. visited the Balkhash branch of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP with a working visit

Today, the Balkhash branch of «Research and Production Center of Fisheries» LLP was visited by Vice-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shalabekova A. L., Chairman of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhunusov N. T., Head of the Balkhash-Alakol inter-regional basin inspection of fisheries, Suyubaev A.S. and representatives of the inspection. 

During the visit, familiarization with the results of the work received within the framework of scientific and technical programs took place: 

– «Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities»;

– «Comprehensive assessment of the state of fish resources and other aquatic organisms of the main fishing reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of scientifically sound recommendations for their sustainable use».

And also, the fish breeding site of the Balkhash branch was visited, where the repair and brood herds of balkhash marinka and aral thorn, jade perch, red-clawed crayfish and Rosenberg freshwater shrimp formed by domestication are being studied. We got acquainted with the material and technical equipment of the Balkhash branch, talked with employees, listened to suggestions and answered questions of interest. 

Also, during the visit, issues of the Program for the development of fisheries in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030, directions and prospects of fisheries research in the region, issues of biodiversity conservation of aquatic biological resources of the Ile-Balkhash basin and other topical issues were discussed.