Meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for the Preservation of Bioresources of the Caspian Sea

On December 19, the intergovernmental Commission on the conservation, rational use of aquatic biological resources and management of their joint stocks began its work under the Agreement on the preservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea.

It should be noted that this year, as in the past, the meeting of the intergovernmental Commission is chaired by the Republic of Kazakhstan. The moderator is the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee of the MEGNR RK – Zhunusov Nariman Talgatovich. The meeting is directly attended by representatives of the following countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan. From “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” LLP, the meeting is attended by CEO Isbekov Kuanysh Baibolatovich, Deputy CEO Asylbekova Saule Zhangirovna and Director of the Atyrau branch Kadimov Yerbolat Latifovich.

The meeting of the intergovernmental Commission will last 3 days, where the reports of the Parties on the implementation of the paragraphs of the Protocol of the 5th Meeting and for 2021 on the use of the catch quota, on the reproduction and protection of aquatic biological resources, the state of aquatic biological resources based on marine scientific research, as well as issues approving quotas (volumes) for catching joint aquatic biological resources for 2023, extending the ban on commercial fishing of sturgeon species in the Caspian Sea, creating a Working Group within the frame of the Commission to coordinate the activities of authorities responsible for the protection of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea.

In addition, it is planned to discuss the Protocol of the working group on science and aquaculture of the Commission on the preservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources of the Caspian Sea and the management of their joint stocks. According to the results of the meeting of the Commission, the relevant Protocol will be accepted.