International webinar of the Caspian countries

On November 16 of this year, the Fisheries Committee organized an International webinar of the Caspian countries on the topic: “Problems of researching and preserving the Caspian seal (Pusa caspica)”, with the participation of representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan.

Webinar moderators:

  • Bakhiyanov Ayan Kairatovich, Deputy Chairman of the Fisheries Committee of the MEGNR RK;
  • Isbekov Kuanysh Baibolatovich, CEO of “Research and Production Center of Fisheries” LLP.

Also, from the side of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following took part: “Institute of Hydrobiology and Ecology”, “Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology” LLP, “Kasekoproekt” LLP, “Center for the Study and Rehabilitation of the Caspian Seal”.

In the webinar program:

  • Information on the status of the population of the Caspian seals (data on the abundance and distribution by seasons of the year in the water areas of the Caspian countries) from each party present;
  • Consideration of the National Action Plan for the Preservation of the Caspian Seals;
  • Discussing the possibilities of cooperation between the Caspian countries and international organizations for further study of the Caspian seals and measures for their conservation.

We would like to note that the Head of State, at a meeting with the population of the Mangistau region, noted that he personally controls the issue of preserving and restoring the number of the Caspian seal, and noted that an integrated scientific approach is needed in this important issue. In this regard, all interested parties are taking measures to fulfill the instructions of the Head of State.