About development of fisheries in Kazakhstan


About development of fisheries in Kazakhstan

Minister of Ecology Serikkali Brekeshev spoke about measures to develop fisheries in the republic during the Government Hour in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The fishing industry is one of the important areas in the economy, as a basis for economic growth and employment, in the following areas: fishing and artificial fish cultivating. The main fishing is carried out in Atyrau, Almaty, East Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda regions.

It should be noted that about 40-45 thousand tons of fish are caught annually in natural reservoirs, and this figure is growing every year. At the same time, about 41 thousand tons of fish products are imported into Kazakhstan, mainly oceanic and marine fish species (mackerel and herring) and about 25 thousand tons are exported, where the main share is products of deep processing (fish fillets). At the same time, domestic fish products make successfully competition in the world market.

More details: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/ecogeo?lang=ru