The second day the meeting of the Academic Council of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is continuous

October 13, 2022, . the second day the meeting of the Academic Council of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP is continuous.

On the agenda, consideration and approval of annual (interim) reports on R&D for 2022 under the Scientific and Technical Program: 

STP “Complex assessment of the state of fish resources and other hydrobionts of the main fishing water reservoirs of Kazakhstan and the development of evidence-based recommendations for their sustainable use”. Head of STP – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Isbekov K.B

These studies are carried out by order of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MEGNR RK).

The following tasks of the project were considered: valuation of water biological resources and ecosystem services,Increasing the fish productivity of fishery reservoirs through the introduction and reintroduction of fish and hydrobionts, study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts, development of improvement and justification of the optimal set of fishing gear, assessment of the role of recreational fishing, ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species, development of recommendations for the certification of Artemia cysts, distribution of the population of the Caspian seal in the Kazakhstani part of the Caspian Sea during the period of sea level decrease and development of recommendations for the conservation of habitats of the species.

The interim results of this year correspond to the implementation of the plan for the scientific and technical program, all target indicators were achieved with overfulfillment, the results of all these works were assessed positively. The following people took part in the discussions:

  • Ismukhanov Kh.K., Candidate of Biol.Sci., Leading Researcher of “RPC of Fisheries” LLP;  
  • Rysbaev A.Zh., Chairman of the Board of the Republican Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture “Qazaq balyk”;
  • Aladin N.V., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Brackish Water Research at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.