A training seminar began at “RPC of Fisheries” LLP

On September 26, 2022, a training seminar began at “RPC of Fisheries” LLP: “Modern methods for researching the ecological and biological characteristics of Artemia branchiopods and evaluating the quality of cysts”. 

The seminar was organized within the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (young scientists): “Study of an export-oriented bioresource – Artemia franciscana to develop a biological rationale for their introduction, in order to increase the productivity of salt reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The speakers of the seminar are: professors of the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture of the Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Russian Federation Litvinenko A.I. and Litvinenko L.I.

The following topics are discussed in the seminar program:

  • Determination of the production characteristics of the parthenogenetic population of Artemia;
  • Ways to increase the survival rate of brine shrimp juveniles under cultivation conditions;
  • Features of growing and increasing the productivity of mature crustaceans;
  • Ways to increase the productivity of natural artemia reservoirs;
  • Methods of population differentiation and identification;
  • Features of determining the morphometric parameters of artemia;
  • The most acceptable statistical processing programs;
  • Study of the food spectrum of artemia in natural reservoirs;
  • Optimal types of feed for artificial cultivation of Artemia;
  • Methods for enriching the food base of artemia in natural reservoirs;
  • Veterinary and sanitary standards for Artemia cysts;
  • Methods for studying artemia for the content of pathogenic organisms;
  • New approaches for determining Approximate allowable level and/or Maximum allowable level;
  • Assessment of the quality of Artemia cysts.

The seminar is currently ongoing.