Professor of Gent University and expert of the GIZ regional program made a working visit to “Fisheries RPC” LLP

Today, Professor of Gent University Patrick Zorgelus and national expert of the GIZ regional program Kairat Egezhanov made a working visit to “RPC of Fisheries” LLP.

During the meeting, the guests got informed with the activities of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP, in particular, with the results of the grant project “Research of the export-oriented biological resource – Artemia franciscana to develop a biological justification for the possibility of their introduction, with the purpose to increase the productivity of salt water reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

The guests were informed with the results of the research of artemia by: head of the laboratory of hydrobiology and hydroanalysts, PhD, Mazhibayeva Zh.O. – with the results in the field of hydrobiology, head of the laboratory of hydrobiont genetics Adyrbekova K.B. – with the results of genetic studies of artemia.

In his turn, professor Patrik Zorgelus shared his experience and knowledge in the field of Artemia research, achievements and prospects. Also, the guests visited the laboratory, where the experiments on the project are directly carried out, talked with the team and answered questions of interest.

For reference: The regional project “Environmentally oriented regional development of the Aral Sea region” is carried out on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is realized by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. The project provides support to the governments of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in ensuring environmentally sustainable cross-border economic development of the Aral Sea region.