The employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of fisheries” LLP held a meeting on the base of “OstFish” LLP

For the purpose of getting acquainted with the process of implementation of PCF projects: “The study of populations of rare and endangered fish species and alien hydrobionts on purpose to develop recommendations for the artificial reproduction of rare species and the prevention of the spread of alien species of fish and other hydrobionts” and “Development and implementation of technology for the formation of a replacement brood stock of markakol lenok on purpose to preserve biodiversity and develop aquaculture”, the employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of fisheries” LLP held a meeting on the base of “OstFish” LLP.

During the meeting, the employees of the Altai Branch spoke in detail about the technology of artificial reproduction of the siberian sturgeon, introduced the first results of the reproduction of the siberian sturgeon and the process of domestication of the markakol lenok (uskuch) on purpose to formation of the replacement brood stock.