Laboratory of ichthyology

Head of Laboratory:

Sansyzbayev Yerbol Tursynbekovich


Ongoing activities:

  • Monitoring the status of fish populations Kapshagai reservoir and Alakol lakes, local reservoirs Almaty and Zhambyl regions.
  • Development of regulatory and scientific-methodical fisheries documents.
  • Creating a scientific basis for the use of the precautionary approach to fisheries management in the Kazakh waters.
  • Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on the ecology of water bodies of Kazakhstan.
  • Calculation of damage to fisheries as a result of economic activity.
  • Development of recommendations and biological studies for stocking ponds, fish species introductions.
  • Development of biological studies on translation and a change in the status of bodies of water fishery, the ultimate allowable catch for the fish.
  • Development of recommendations on fishery unit of natural resources fishing grounds.
  • Statistical processing and preparation of analytical reports on the study.

Scientific and technical activities

The Laboratory of Ichthyology operates on the basis of certificates a on the assessment of the state with certificates of measurements in the laboratory issued by the Almaty branch of JSC “National Center for Expertise and Certification”.

The laboratory is equipped with all the necessary equipment, scientific and methodological literature, specialized programs for analyzing ichthyological data.

The staff performed most of the work on the processing of samples, analysis of the material, report writing, and also consulted a variety of research projects for nature Kapshagai reservoir and Alakol lakes.

Every year, the laboratory accepts students from various universities in Kazakhstan for scientific and industrial practice in the specialty “Fisheries and Industrial Fisheries”.

Laboratory employees constantly improve their qualifications by studying scientific literature, participating in scientific conferences, seminars, undergoing internships in their areas of activity, taking an active part in working groups of international and national forums, and actively covering problems and results of work in the media.

The main results of the laboratory’s scientific and technical activities are published in highly rated foreign journals included in the Scopus/Web of Science data bases, as well as in journals included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Also, with laboratory employees perform work on orders of state bodies (Ministries, committees, departments, akimats , etc.) of the Republic of Kazakhstan and orders of private farms and entrepreneurs.