The “RPC of Fisheries” LLC does R&D works for the collect and analyse of fish-bio- and morphometric indicators of the siberian sturgeon, sturgeon thorn, huso, stellate sturgeon

From 9 June, the “RPC of Fisheries” LLC does R&D works on the base of RAS in «UNKOPPA» LLC of  NAO «ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan» within the project PTF (ПЦФ) «Formation and effective use of sturgeon replacement broodstocks, taking to attention with their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan» for the collect and analyse of fish-biological and morphometric indicators of the siberian sturgeon, oriented to the replacement broodstock and under the project «Ecological and genetic monitoring of sturgeon species of fish of the Zhaiyk-Caspian basin»  – sampling for genetic analysis and fish breeding and biological parameters of sturgeon species: sturgeon thorn, huso, stellate sturgeon.

Taking part in the work: head of PTF, deputy CEO, D.Bi.Sci. Asylbekova S.Zh., head of the Western branch, Ph.D. Tumenov A.N., researchers Maratova G., Bulekov N. and Oskina A.