Fish breeding and bioindicators and samples for genetic analysis were taken from two beluga fish, with a total weight of more than 100 kg

Within the program SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF AQUACULTURE IN KAZAKHSTAN THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND NEW FISHERY FACILITIES, according to the project: “Formation and effective use of sturgeon brood stocks considering their genetic diversity in the conditions of sturgeon fish farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, at the base of the RGKP “UAORZ” fish breeding and bioindicators and samples for genetic analysis were taken from two beluga fish, with a total weight of more than 100 kg.

These works are carried out by employees of the head unit of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP – researchers Adyrbekova K.B. and Maratova G.M.