About spawning periods of commercial fish species

About spawning periods of commercial fish species!

The breeding season is a special stage of life for any creature, including representatives of the ichthyofauna. Lifestyle, food preferences, habitats are changing – everything is subject to the great goal of procreation. Spawning is the process of laying mature eggs by the female and its fertilization by the male. It does not happen spontaneously: it requires certain temperature and local conditions.

The question of where, how and when a fish of one species or another spawns is not only purely academic, but also of practical importance – how, where, when to catch it and whether it can be done in principle. During the fishing ban, recreational fishing is restricted or prohibited altogether!

With the onset of optimal weather conditions, representatives of the freshwater ichthyofauna rush to spawning grounds. For each species of fish, the spawning time is individual, which is determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On restrictions and prohibitions on the use of wildlife objects, their parts and derivatives, establishing places and terms of their use”.

Link to source: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1500011939

As for the puberty of fish, i.e. their ability to spawn, their age is completely different. However, most freshwater fish species can start spawning as early as 3 years. Although, there are also such species of fish that can begin to spawn the very next year after their birth.