Research work on the formation of a pike broodstock and its reproduction is being carried out

Within the PTF program: “Scientific and technological support for the integrated development of aquaculture in Kazakhstan through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and new fish farming facilities”, on the task: “Development and implementation of industrial technologies for growing promising fish farming objects and invertebrate hydrobionts in the conditions of fish breeding enterprises in Kazakhstan.” employees of the laboratory of aquaculture of the “RPC of Fisheries” (senior researcher Bulavina N.B, researcher Bulavin E.F) together with the base enterprise Bukhtarma NVH (BNVH) LLP carry out research work on the formation of a replacement broodstock of pike and its reproduction.

Currently, work on the selection of gender products from pike producers has been carried out. After fertilization, the caviar were transferred to the hatchery for further incubation.

As a result of the work, the resulting larvae will be reared under controlled conditions of RAS (recirculating aquaculture system), and then they will be released into ponds for further rearing and formation of pike broodstock.