More than 20 million whitefish larvae were released into the water reservoirs of the Zaisan-Ertis basin

More than 20 million whitefish larvae were released into the water reservoirs of the Zaisan-Ertis basin.

As part of the implementation of the public contract for 2022, for the artificial reproduction of fish resources, April 22 of this year, “Shygys Universal” LLP released 4.5 million of the ripus (Coregonus albula) larvae into the Bukhtarma reservoir.

The release was carried out by a commission, which included representatives of the Zaisan-Ertis Interregional basin Inspection of fishery, the akimat, the republican “Association of fisheries-BD”, also attended by employees of the Altai branch of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP and representatives of the media.

We remind you that earlier, from April 18 to April 20, 2022, “Shygys Universal” LLP also released more than 17.1 million whitefish species into the Shulba reservoir as part of the implementation of the public contract. Activities for the broodstocking of fishery reservoirs of national importance continue.