From March 30 to April 06 the employees of the Balkhash branch the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP are conducting research work

From March 30 to April 06 employees of the Balkhash branch the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP carry out research work on the Ili River (Tasmurun district) within framework of the Agreement under program 256, subprogram 102.

Expeditionary work includes:

  • – Daily monitoring of the temperature regime of the Ili River;
  • – Selection of hydrochemical and hydrobiological samples;
  • – Nets measurements of fish of each species were made, taking into account the temporary instructions, taking the length, weight, scales for age;
  • – Selection of mature commercial fish species for determine absolute individual fertility (AIF).

The objects of research are commercial fish populations and hydrobiocenoses.  Material is being collected for the development of a biological justification for the limits of fish catching and other water animals on the Ile River.

The obtained scientific data on the status of fish stocks, their biological characteristics are the basis for calculating catch limits and developing a strategy for careful management of stocks and ensuring sustainable fishery, optimal distribution of fishing efforts in the water area of reservoirs.

For the period of research work, the spawning course of asp was noted, according to the result of catches from 100 specimens of caught asp: 42% finished spawning, 52% at stage IV, 6% are juvenile. Works on catching asp are carried out by floatable nylon fishnets.