A seminar was held in the head department of the RPC of Fishery LLP, the leading researcher of the ichthyology laboratory E.V. Kulikov

A seminar on the topic was held in the head department of the RPC of Fishery LLP, the leading researcher of the ichthyology laboratory E.V. Kulikov: “Systematic measures to improve the quality of predictive studies on the example of the Kapshagai reservoir and the Alakol lake system, modernization of the scheme for calculating maximum allowable catches and modeling the state of stocks to test the MSY criterion.”

The seminar was dedicated to the advanced training of young specialists of the RPC of Fishery LLP and was held with the participation of Altai, Aral, Balkhash, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Northern branches in an online format.

The following issues were considered during the seminar:

  1. Research planning
  2. Fishing work
  3. Exact compliance with research methods
  4. The use of such fishing gear that ensure the collection of material for all size and age groups of fish
  5. Lc50 and Lm50 indicators
  6. Modeling of stock status

During the seminar, topical issues on improving the quality of research in reservoirs were considered, the main attention was paid to the means of collecting and processing ichthyological material. In addition, the schemes of work on the accumulation of data in the field, the correctness of sampling at the stations were considered.

One of the main objectives of the seminar was to achieve correct data processing when calculating the number of fish in reservoirs using modern methods. In particular, special attention was paid to the catch coefficients of fishing gear, which are important in calculating the maximum allowable catches and modeling the state of fish stocks