Сommercialization «OstFish» LLP

Сommercialization project: DP23691971«Artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of Siberian sturgeon juveniles in order to replenish its population in the Yertis basin»

Applicant: «Fisheries Research and Production Center» LLP

Grantee / Private partner: «OstFish» LLP

Project goal: Organization of fish farming in the Yertis basin for the artificial reproduction, cultivation and sale of fish planting material of Siberian sturgeon for stocking natural reservoirs in order to replenish its population in its natural habitat.

 Project objectives:

  1. Creation of a production site for the industrial cultivation of Siberian sturgeon juveniles in the Irtysh water basin.
  2. Organization of work on obtaining Siberian sturgeon larvae and their rearing to the stage of resilient juveniles.
  3. Organization of the sale of final products (Siberian sturgeon juveniles).

Project implementation period: 2024-2026 yy.

Post-implementation period of the project: 2027-2029 yy.

Expected results:

  1. A production site will be created for the industrial cultivation of Siberian sturgeon juveniles in the Irtysh water basin.
  2. Work will be organized on the larvae of the Siberian sturgeon and their rearing to the stage of resilient juveniles.
  3. The sale of final products (Siberian sturgeon juveniles) will be organized.