Meeting to review the interim results of scientific research on the NTP for 2024-2026.

Today, 08/28/2024, a meeting is being held at the head office of the FishRPC to review the intermediate results of research and development work on the scientific and technical program for 2024-2026:

“Development and implementation of innovative technologies and new aquaculture facilities that are cost-effective in the natural and climatic conditions of various regions of Kazakhstan” (Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

♦  Tasks:

1) Development and implementation of combined technologies for growing valuable fish species (trout).

2) Testing and implementation of effective biotechnical methods for growing promising aquaculture objects in the conditions of fish farms in Kazakhstan with their genetic identification using DNA markers (tench, shrimp).

3) Development and implementation of biotechnical methods for the formation of broodstock of rare and endangered fish species in the conditions of fish farms of Kazakhstan, taking into account their genetic structure (sterlet of the Irtysh population, nelma).

“Comprehensive studies of water bodies for the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic biological resources based on an assessment of their potential and modeling of stock dynamics” (MoA RK).


1) Analysis of biological diversity, molecular genetic identification of alien species and assessment of the resistance of hydrobiocenoses of fishery water bodies to external influences.

2) Ichthyopathological studies of commercial fish species in the main fishery water bodies of Kazakhstan, and the development of comprehensive measures to reduce the risks of mass spread of contagious fish diseases.

3) Ecological and demographic analysis of the mortality of the Caspian seal, study of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the population dynamics, prospects for conservation and stabilization of the species population.

4) Study of biological and consumer characteristics of the export-oriented bioresource – gammarus to develop recommendations for its effective use in the water bodies of Kazakhstan.

5) Modeling the state of stocks in inland commercial water bodies with the development of a software package and domestic methodological recommendations for accounting for fish numbers and calculating the maximum permissible catch.

The meeting is chaired by the General Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Isbekov K.B., in offline and online formats.