From the world of science to the practice of fish farming. Kazakh-Polish cooperation

For the last few years, scientific cooperation between scientific institutions from Kazakhstan and Poland has been developing intensively. An example of such cooperation is the joint research of the “RPC of Fisheries” LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan) and the Faculty of Animal Bioengineering, Warmia and Mazury University (Olsztyn, Poland) with the participation the Research Center Fishery, Kazakh AgroTechnical University named after S. Seyfullin (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan).

As part of this work, the focus was on the artificial reproduction and cultivation of pikeperch and African catfish. This cooperation is based on business mutual contacts and internships carried out by Kazakh scientists at the Department of Ichthyology and Aquaculture, which have the latest equipment in the field of aquaculture and competent specialists in the artificial reproduction and cultivation of larvae and fry (Dariusz Kucharczyk, Joanna Nowosad, etc.) and in genetic research in Europe. Currently, together with Polish scientists, manuals are being prepared on the possibility of a wide implementation of these techniques in fish farms.

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