Scientific expedition to the Caspian Sea

Monitoring and sampling work continues in the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea within the framework of the scientific and technical program BR21882122 “Sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast estimates and scenarios” for 2023-2025. (block: fish resources).

Currently, the expedition group of the FishRPC is in the area of ​​the bay of Kenderli Island, at station No. 1.

During the research fishing, a specimen of Caspian salmon or Caspian trout (Salmo caspius) was caught. According to the biological indicators taken during life, the body length of the fish is 47 cm, weight 1.3 kg. After that, the fish was released into the Caspian Sea. The expedition team took photos and video footage of the fish and drew up a report with the crew of the sea vessel “Akku” on the capture, life-long research and release of such a rare specimen into the sea.