BOSIET course

This year, employees of the Fisheries Research and Production Center LLP continue scientific research on the topic: “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios” of the research and technical program “Comprehensive Research to ensure sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region (Mangistau, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions) in the context of green growth” PTF 2023-2025.

According to the calendar plan for July – August 2024, monitoring of environmental factors (hydrology, hydrochemistry, toxicology, fish food supply) of the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea is planned, in this regard, employees of the head unit and the Atyrau branch (group leader, PhD Abilov B. I.) to go to sea they take a course on safety precautions and emergency response at sea (BOSIET) in the village. Bautino, Tupkaragan district, Mangistau region. The BOSIET course lasts 3 days and includes the following segments: familiarization with safety, use of rescue equipment before the arrival of rescue services, first aid for various injuries, etc. Only after passing the exams and certificate, researchers are able to go to sea to network installation and take samples for analysis.