Grant from MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KMU) for development of the fish-protecting device on 2021-2023 years.

IRN АР09058066 «Development of the active mobile hydroacoustic fish-protecting device for protection of juveniles from hit in spillways of HPS dams, reservoirs»

Premises to development of the project:

Now effective fish-protecting devices are not made for protection of fishes and juveniles of fishes against hit in water waste constructions of dams of large hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs. The water waste constructions of large water-engineering systems, are characterized ultrahigh (up to 500 m 3 /s) volumes of the dumped water. And dumping of water can go in the volley way – when there is technical need, for short period large amount of water is dumped. At the same time on the big site before spillway quickly there is powerful current of the flowing-away water which tightens through water waste the channel all fish and whitebaits. Traditional types of fish protection are of little use here, in view of extreme conditions of volley spillway. The scientific novelty of the project consists in implementation of new approach in the field of fish-protecting devices – the active mobile high-intensity acoustic fish protection capable to effectively protect fishes and juveniles on spillways of dams of large hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs.

The project purpose:

 Тo develop the effective fish-protecting device (further FPD), for protection of fishes and juveniles of fishes from hit in water waste constructions of hydroelectric power station and other large water-engineering systems.

  The expected results:

 А development of the effective fish-protecting device for large water-engineering systems with volley spillways, production and testing of prototype, execution of the package of documents for production and operation.

 The achieved results for half a year:

 The research of hydrological and icthyological conditions of a reservoir and spillway of a dam is conducted. For these purposes in quality of a model reservoir the Kirov reservoir UKOOS in the West Kazakhstan region is chosen. As a model spillway the dam of the Kirov reservoir was chosen. According to the plan of performance of hydrological researches 75 measurements of depths and 85 measurements of speed of a current, on the water area of a reservoir and around a water waste construction of a dam were carried out. According to the plan of performance of icthyological researches 10 scientific lov were carried out, concentration and ways of migrations of fishes were established. Were taken on determination of specific, age and dimensional and weight structure of a fish fauna of 320 copies of fishes. To determine the concentration, migrations and downstream migration of juvenile fish, 20 samples of early juveniles were taken with the help of the Russ’s circle, and 10 samples of late juveniles with the help of juvenile drag device. As a result of the conducted researches, basic hydrological and icthyological data in order that it was possible to make the correct decisions on a design, complete set and mode of operation of the active mobile hydroacoustic fish-protecting device were obtained. As a result of the research, the initial hydrological and ichthyological data were obtained for making the right decisions on the design, configuration and operation of an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device.

 Achieved results in 2021:

 The conducted hydrological studies made it possible to study the depths and the carrying speeds of the water flow at the approach to the spillway of the dam. Ichthyological studies have made it possible to obtain data on the species, age and size composition of the ichthyofauna, the biological characteristics of protected fish and juveniles. The studies of the first year served as the basis for making the right decisions on the design, configuration and operation of an active mobile sonar fish protection device for effective protection of fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs. The Kirov reservoir Ural-Kushumskaya irrigation and watering system (UKIWS) in the West Kazakhstan region was chosen as a model reservoir. The dam of the Kirov reservoir was chosen as a model spillway. 1 article was published in a foreign publication recommended by CQASES, 1 field day was carried out.

 List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2021:

  1. Tumenov A. N., Assylbekova S. Zh., Kim A. I., Mukhramova A. A. Research of Kirovsk Reservoir for developing mobile active hydroacoustic fish protecting device. Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Fishing Industry.-2021.-№3.-С.102-108. (In Russ.) DOI:10.24143/2072-9502-2021-3-102-108.
  2. A field day was held at «Firma Aktilek» LLP, for nature users of the Kirov reservoir, with the participation of employees of the fish inspection for the West Kazakhstan region and scientists from the West Kazakhstan branch of «RPC of Fisheries» LLP, on the topic: “Development of fish protection devices for dams of spillways, dams of reservoirs and gravity irrigation canals”, 07/12/2021

 Achieved results in 2022:

 A design was developed and a prototype of an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device was developed to effectively protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs. 2 patents were received in the Kazakhstan patent bureau, 1 seminar was held.

 List of published works in accordance with the calendar plan for 2022:

 Method of ecological protection of fish and juveniles from getting into culverts: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 6982.Active mobile sonar fish protection device for hydroelectric dams and reservoirs: Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 7135.A seminar was held on the topic “Development of fish protection devices to protect fish and juveniles from falling into the spillways of large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs”.

 Full names of members of the research team with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to the corresponding profiles:

Tumenov A.N., director of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF,;;

 Pilin D.V., senior science researcher of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF,;;

 Mukhramova A.A., chief scientific secretary,; Web of Science Researcher ID — AAU-9605-2020;;

 Tuleuov A.M., head of the expeditionary team of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF LLP,;

 Bulekov N.U., science reasearcher of the West Kazakhstan branch of SPCF LLP;

 Bayandina A.M., head economist,

 Information for potential users

 This type of fish protection device can be used in the field of water and agriculture for water users, at large hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs, to increase the safety level of fish fry. According to the existing Water code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, operation of water intakes without FPD is not allowed. This development is directed to the solution of pressing problem of equipment of spillways of dams of large hydroelectric power stations and water reservoirs (for example, a cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Ertys river, Kapshagai hydroelectric power station, dams of reservoirs of the Aktobe Sea, Shardara, UKOOS, etc.), effective domestic FPD.

Achieved results in 2023:

In 2023 an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device was tested to effectively for protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large dams and hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs. The effectiveness of the developed fish protection device has been determined. FPD’s tests showed that the average efficiency is 63.4%. This indicator meets the Requirements for fish protection devices of water intake and discharge facilities, dated May 31, 2019 No. 221. According to Annex 1 of the Requirements, the efficiency of the FPD for juvenile fish larger than 12 millimeters is at least 60% for discharge facilities. In that way, the developed active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device to protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large dams and hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs has an average efficiency 3.4% higher than in the regulatory requirement.

A package of technical documentation has been developed for the manufacture and operation of an active mobile hydroacoustic fish protection device to protect fish and juveniles from entering the spillways of large dams and hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs. The purpose of the documentation is the manufacture of this FPD at Kazakhstani enterprises. This will significantly reduce the cost of FPD by cost reduction of delivery and maintenance from another country. The technical documentation structurally contains two sections. The first section to the issues of the FPD’s manufacturing and layout. The second section dedicated to the issues of the FPD’s operation.

In 2023 articles on theme of the grant project were sent to reviewed publications: «Method for environmental protection of fish from going into water discharge facilities» and «Experiments on frightening effects to fish by underwater sound emitters for diversion from dangerous areas of reservoirs». These articles have been sent for publication in the reviewed edition of the Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences with an impact factor of 44 percentiles.