A patent for a utility model has been obtained

The patent for utility model №9111 «A device for processing fish in natural conditions» received by the FishRPC. Authors: Assylbekova S.Zh., Isbekov K.B., Kulikov E.V., Kim A.I., Tumenov A.N., Bulekov N.U.

The patent was invented within the framework of the Calendar Plan for the Agreement between the FishRPC and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in order to implement the Program of targeted financing for 2023-2025 on the topic: BR21882122 “Sustainable Development of Natural-Industrial and Socio-Economic Systems of the West Kazakhstan Region in the Context of Green Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis, Concept, Forecast Estimates and Scenarios”, subprogram “Assessment of natural resource potential, as the main factor in the development of natural and economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region (block: fish resources).

This research is funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of The Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. BR21882122).