The post-realization period continues

In this year, the post-realization period of the joint project with JSC “Science Foundation” on commercialization “Artificial reproduction and cultivation of carp planting material for the purpose of its further implementation for the stocking of natural reservoirs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. 

The work on the reproduction of carp is carried out on the basis of a private partner of Kapshagai Spawning and Growing Farm-1973 LLP.

To date, the following has been done: 

– Assessment of the repair and brood stock of carp;

– Hormonal stimulation of carp producers;

– The production of sexual products (caviar and milt);

– Fertilization and incubation of fertilized eggs with the production of carp larvae;

– The stocking of the obtained carp larvae into ponds.

It is worth noting that the repair and brood stock of carp was obtained from wild producers from Lake Alakol.