The meeting was organized on the topic: “Transformation of inland fisheries and aquaculture in Kazakhstan to ensure environmental sustainability”

05/04/2024, the head office of the Scientific and Production Center of Fisheries LLP (Almaty) was visited by Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asylbekov A.S., Head of the Department of Aquaculture Development of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gabbasov M.M., Senior FAO Officer for Fisheries and Aquaculture Haidar Fersoy, International Thomas Shipton, Consultant on Fisheries and Aquaculture, coordinator of FAO projects in Kazakhstan A.N. Karabayeva and FAO Program Assistant in Kazakhstan A.Z. Sakhmetova.


Also, the meeting was attended by Deputy General Director of KazNIVI LLP, Doctor of Economics, Professor Abdybekova A.M. and leading researcher of KazNIIPPP LLP Yanvareva N.I.


The meeting was organized to discuss the upcoming project, on the topic: “Transformation of inland fisheries and aquaculture in Kazakhstan to ensure environmental sustainability.”


During the meeting, the General Director of NPTS RH LLP, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K.B. Isbekov acquainted the participants of the meeting with the history and main activities of the Center. During the discussion, Haidar Fersoy and Thomas Shipton answered questions and listened to suggestions on the project.