Research works on the certification of reservoirs of local importance Almaty region are being carried out

From September 16 to the present, employees of LLP “Fish RPC” (head of the expeditionary detachment Bakkozha Zh.M., leading researcher Ismukhanov Kh.K., researcher Ablaikhanov E.T., acting researcher Bekturov D.S., laboratory assistant Sakharin N.K.) have been carrying out the following research work on the certification of reservoirs of local importance Almaty region (under the agreement with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of Almaty region):

  1. 1. Selection and processing of hydrochemical samples, field and laboratory studies;
  2. Selection and processing of hydrobiological samples (zooplankton and zoobenthos);
  3. Sampling of the natural reproduction of juvenile fish by juvenile travois (breden) in the shallow waters of local reservoirs in the Almaty region;
  4. Ichthyological setups for assessing commercial fish stocks.

For reference, certification of reservoirs is a set of studies to determine the boundaries of fishery reservoirs or sites, their areas, condition, species composition of fish resources and other aquatic animals produced before fixing these reservoirs, issuing recommendations.

The works are carried out for the rational use of the reservoirs of the region, for the management of fisheries and the effective development of aquaculture.

If the reservoirs are recognized as promising for fisheries, they will be included in the list of fishery reservoirs by the decree of the akimat of the region.